Debian GIS Project
Remote Sensing
telerilevamento e osservazione della terra

Pacchetti Debian che riguardano il telerilevamento (ad esempio SAR - Synthetic Aperture Radar, radar ad apertura sintetica), l'elaborazione (interferometria, polarimetria, visualizzazione di dati, ecc.) e l'osservazione della terra.


For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row has a color code according to this scheme:

If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian GIS to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a description of that project to the Debian GIS mailing list

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Debian GIS Remote Sensing packages

Official Debian packages with high relevance

strumenti GDAL frutto di contributi della Geographic Information Network of Alaska
Versions of package dans-gdal-scripts
Debtags of package dans-gdal-scripts:
Popcon: 1 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Gli strumenti GDAL frutto di contributi di Dan Stahlke sono una raccolta di programmi utili per effettuare comuni operazioni raster. Gli strumenti inclusi sono: gdal_contrast_stretch, gdal_dem2rgb, gdal_get_projected_bounds, gdal_landsat_pansharpi, gdal_list_corners, gdal_merge_simple, gdal_merge_vrt, gdal_raw2geotiff, gdal_trace_outline, gdal_wkt_to_mask, gdal_make_ndv_mask.

Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - programmi di utilità
Versions of package gdal-bin
Debtags of package gdal-bin:
usechecking, converting
works-withimage, image:raster, image:vector
Popcon: 636 users (524 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

GDAL è una libreria traduttore per formati di dati raster geospaziali. Come libreria presenta all'applicazione chiamante un unico modello di dati astratto per tutti i formati gestiti. La libreria OGR correlata (che risiede all'interno dell'albero sorgente di GDAL) fornisce una funzionalità simile per i dati vettoriali di simple feature.

GDAL gestisce più di 40 popolari formati di dati, inclusi quelli comunemente usati (GeoTIFF, JPEG, PNG e altri), così come quelli usati in pacchetti GIS e di software per telerilevamento (ERDAS Imagine, ESRI Arc/Info, ENVI, PCI Geomatics). Sono gestiti anche molti formati per distribuzione di dati scientifici e telerilevamento come HDF, EOS FAST, NOAA L1B, NetCDF, FITS.

La libreria OGR gestisce formati vettoriali popolari come ESRI Shapefile, TIGER data, S57, MapInfo File, DGN, GML e altri.

Questo pacchetto contiene programmi di utilità basati sulla libreria GDAL/OGR, cioè gdal_translate, gdalinfo, gdaladdo, gdalwarp, ogr2ogr, ogrinfo, ogrtindex.

The package is enhanced by the following packages: pktools
InSAR processing system based on Generic Mapping Tools - metapackage
Versions of package gmtsar
Popcon: users ( upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

GMTSAR is an open source Interferometric Synthetic Aperture RADAR (InSAR) processing system designed for users familiar with Generic Mapping Tools (GMT).

The code is written in C and will compile on any computer where GMT and NETCDF are installed.

The system has three main components:

  • a preprocessor for each satellite data type (ERS-1/2, Envisat, ALOS-1, TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed, Radarsat-2, Sentinel-1A/B, and ALOS-2) to convert the native format and orbital information into a generic format;
  • an InSAR processor to focus and align stacks of images, map topography into phase, and form the complex interferogram;
  • a postprocessor, mostly based on GMT, to filter the interferogram and construct interferometric products of phase, coherence, phase gradient, and line-of sight displacement in both radar and geographic coordinates.

GMT is used to display all the products as pdf files and KML images for Google Earth. A set of shell scripts has been developed for standard 2-pass processing as well as geometric image alignment for stacking and time series.

??? missing short description for package libepr-api2-dev :-(
Versions of package libepr-api2-dev
Debtags of package libepr-api2-dev:
Popcon: users ( upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free
libreria Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - file di sviluppo
Versions of package libgdal-dev
Debtags of package libgdal-dev:
devellang:c, lang:c++, library
Popcon: 220 users (195 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

GDAL è una libreria traduttore per formati di dati raster geospaziali. Come libreria presenta all'applicazione chiamante un unico modello di dati astratto per tutti i formati gestiti. La libreria OGR correlata (che risiede all'interno dell'albero sorgente di GDAL) fornisce una funzionalità simile per i dati vettoriali di simple feature.

GDAL gestisce molti popolari formati di dati, inclusi quelli comunemente usati (GeoTIFF, JPEG, PNG e altri), così come quelli usati in pacchetti GIS e di software per telerilevamento (ERDAS Imagine, ESRI Arc/Info, ENVI, PCI Geomatics). Sono gestiti anche molti formati per distribuzione di dati scientifici e telerilevamento come HDF, EOS FAST, NOAA L1B, NetCDF, FITS.

La libreria OGR gestisce formati vettoriali popolari come ESRI Shapefile, TIGER data, S57, MapInfo File, DGN, GML e altri.

Questo pacchetto contiene i file necessari per sviluppare software che usa GDAL/OGR (header, oggetti statici, script di configurazione).

libreria OSSIM - file di sviluppo
Versions of package libossim-dev
Debtags of package libossim-dev:
Popcon: 0 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

OSSIM (Open Source Software Image Map) è un motore ad alte prestazioni per telerilevamento, elaborazione di immagini, sistemi di informazioni geografiche e fotometria. È attivamente sviluppato a partire dal 1996.

Progettato come una serie di librerie software ad alte prestazioni, è scritto in C++ usando le più recenti tecniche di progettazione di software orientato agli oggetti.

La libreria fornisce telerilevamento, elaborazione di immagini e funzionalità geospaziali avanzati. Un veloce riassunto delle funzionalità di OSSIM include orto-rettificazione, correzione della precisione del terreno, modelli di sensori rigorosi, mosaici molto grandi e fusione incrociata di sensori, una vasta gamma di insiemi di dati e proiezioni di mappe e una vasta gamma di formati di dati commerciali e governativi. L'architettura della libreria gestisce l'elaborazione in parallelo con MPI (non abilitata), un'architettura dinamica a plugin e oggetti che possono essere connessi dinamicamente permettendo una rapida prototipizzazione di catene personalizzate di elaborazione delle immagini.

Questo pacchetto include i file di sviluppo per compilare programmi che usano la libreria OSSIM.

utilità principali di OSSIM
Versions of package ossim-core
Popcon: 6 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

OSSIM (Open Source Software Image Map) è un motore ad alte prestazioni per telerilevamento, elaborazione di immagini, sistemi di informazioni geografiche e fotometria. È attivamente sviluppato a partire dal 1996.

Progettato come una serie di librerie software ad alte prestazioni, è scritto in C++ usando le più recenti tecniche di progettazione di software orientato agli oggetti.

La libreria fornisce telerilevamento, elaborazione di immagini e funzionalità geospaziali avanzati. Un veloce riassunto delle funzionalità di OSSIM include orto-rettificazione, correzione della precisione del terreno, modelli di sensori rigorosi, mosaici molto grandi e fusione incrociata di sensori, una vasta gamma di insiemi di dati e proiezioni di mappe e una vasta gamma di formati di dati commerciali e governativi. L'architettura della libreria gestisce l'elaborazione in parallelo con MPI (non abilitata), un'architettura dinamica a plugin e oggetti che possono essere connessi dinamicamente permettendo una rapida prototipizzazione di catene personalizzate di elaborazione delle immagini.

Questo pacchetto include gli strumenti principali che usano la libreria OSSIM per effettuare alcuni compiti di base.

applicazioni a riga di comando di ORFEO Toolbox
Versions of package otb-bin
Popcon: 7 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) è distribuito come libreria open source di algoritmi per l'elaborazione di immagini. OTB si basa sulla libreria ITK per l'elaborazione di immagini medicali e offre particolari funzionalità per l'elaborazione di immagini di telerilevamento in generale e per immagini con alta risoluzione spaziale in particolare.

Questo pacchetto contiene il lanciatore di applicazioni a riga di comando che può eseguire qualsiasi applicazione OTB fornita dal pacchetto libotb-apps.

applicazioni con interfaccia utente grafica di ORFEO Toolbox
Versions of package otb-bin-qt
Popcon: 7 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) è distribuito come libreria open source di algoritmi per l'elaborazione di immagini. OTB si basa sulla libreria ITK per l'elaborazione di immagini medicali e offre particolari funzionalità per l'elaborazione di immagini di telerilevamento in generale e per immagini con alta risoluzione spaziale in particolare.

Questo pacchetto contiene il lanciatore GUI in grado di eseguire qualsiasi applicazione OTB fornita dal pacchetto libotb-apps.

API ENVISAT Product Reader per Python (Python 2)
Versions of package python-epr
Debtags of package python-epr:
devellang:python, library
Popcon: 0 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

PyEPR fornisce collegamenti Python all'API ENVISAT Product Reader in C (EPR API) per leggere dati sui satelliti dalla missione ENVISAT dell'ESA (Agenzia Spaziale Europea).

PyEPR, così come l'API EPR in C, gestisce i prodotti dei dati ENVISAT MERIS, AATSR Livello 1B e Livello 2 e anche ASAR. Fornisce accesso ai dati ad un livello geofisico (campioni di pixel decodificati pronti da usare) o ad un livello dati grezzo. L'accesso ai dati grezzi rende possibile leggere qualsiasi campo dei dati contenuto in un file prodotto.

Questa è la versione per Python 2 del pacchetto.

??? missing short description for package python-gdal :-(
Maintainer: Debian GIS Project
Versions of package python-gdal
Debtags of package python-gdal:
devellang:python, library
Popcon: 26 users (2 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free
Meteorological data Ingest-Processing Package (mipp)
Versions of package python-mipp
Popcon: users ( upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Il suo compito principale è di convertire dati satellitari a basso livello in un formato comprensibile da mpop ( Lo scopo primario è di gestire i dati satellitari geostazionari (livello 1.5) ma c'è anche la gestione della lettura di alcuni dati SAR di orbita polare.

Un'interfaccia più sofisticata agli oggetti di dati satellitari è gestita da mpop.

Al momento gestisce i dati da tutti gli attuali satelliti MSG (Meteosat Second Generation), Meteosat 7, GOES 11-15, di MTSAT e GOMS, tutti recuperati usando EUMETCast.

In aggiunta mipp gestisce dati SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) da Terrscan-X, Cosmo-Sky Med e Radarsat 2.

Questo pacchetto fa parte dell'insieme di strumenti PyTroll.

Meteorological Post-Processing Package (MPoP)
Versions of package python-mpop
Popcon: users ( upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Il pacchetto Meteorological Post-Processing è una libreria Python per generare prodotti RGB per telerilevamento meteorologico. Come tale può creare compositi RGB direttamente dai canali di strumenti satellitari o sfruttare PGE precalcolati.

È progettato per essere facilmente estensibile per gestire qualsiasi satellite meteorologico tramite la creazione di plugin. Nella distribuzione di base viene fornita la gestione per Meteosat 7, 8, 9, MTSAT1R, MTSAT2, GOES 11, GOES 12, GOES 13 tramite l'uso di mipp e Noaa 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 e Metop A tramite l'uso di aapp e ahamap.

È disponibile anche la riproiezione dei dati tramite l'uso del pacchetto pyresample.

Questo pacchetto fa parte dell'insieme di strumenti PyTroll.

disegna linee di costa, confini e fiumi su immagini
Versions of package python-pycoast
Popcon: 0 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Pycoast è un pacchetto Python per aggiungere linee di costa, confini e fiumi ad immagini raster utilizzando dati dagli insiemi di dati GSHHG (prima noto come GSHHS) e WDBII.

Questo pacchetto fa parte dell'insieme di strumenti PyTroll.

Questo pacchetto contiene pycoast per Python 2.

veloce implementazione di kd-tree con interrogazioni con gestione di OpenMP (versione per Python 2)
Versions of package python-pykdtree
Popcon: 0 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

pydktree è un'implementazione di kd-tree per veloci ricerche del vicino più prossimo in Python. Lo scopo è di essere la più veloce implementazione esistente per i casi d'uso comuni (piccole dimensioni e basso numero di vicini) sia per la costruzione di alberi sia per le interrogazioni.

L'implementazione è basata su scipy.spatial.cKDTree e libANN combinando le caratteristiche migliori di entrambe e concentrandosi sull'efficienza dell'implementazione.

L'interfaccia è simile a quella di scipy.spatial.cKDTree tranne per il fatto che è gestita solo la misura delle distanze euclidee.

Le interrogazioni usano opzionalmente thread multipli usando OpenMP.

Questa è la versione per Python 2 del pacchetto.

calcoli orbitali e astronomici in Python 2
Versions of package python-pyorbital
Popcon: 0 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Pacchetto Python per calcolare parametri orbitali da file TLE e per fare svariati calcoli astronomici.

Questo pacchetto fa parte dell'insieme di strumenti PyTroll.

Questa è la versione per Python 2 del pacchetto.

ricampionamento di dati da telerilevamento in Python 2
Versions of package python-pyresample
Popcon: 0 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Pyresample è un pacchetto Python per ricampionamento (riproiezione) di dati da satelliti di osservazione della Terra. Gestisce sia il ricampionamento di dati su griglia (es. satelliti geostazionari) sia dati swath (satelliti in orbita polare).

Pyresample può usare più core del processore per ricampionamento e gestisce matrici con maschere.

Questa è la versione per Python 2 del pacchetto.

Official Debian packages with lower relevance

operatori a riga di comando per analizzare file netCDF
Versions of package nco
Debtags of package nco:
Popcon: 29 users (8 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

NCO è una serie di programmi noti come operatori. Gli operatori sono programmi indipendenti, eseguibili da riga di comando in una shell POSIX. Gli operatori ricevono uno o più file netCDF in ingresso, eseguono alcune operazioni (es., calcolare la media, hyperslabbing), e producono un file netCDF in uscita. NCO in origine era stato progettato per manipolare e analizzare dati climatici, tuttavia lavora su qualsiasi serie di dati con struttura netCDF.

Please cite: Charles S. Zender: Analysis of Self-describing Gridded Geoscience Data with netCDF Operators (NCO). (eprint) Environmental Modelling & Software 23(10):1338-1342 (2008)
navigatore visuale X11 per file in formato NetCDF
Versions of package ncview
Debtags of package ncview:
Popcon: 46 users (37 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Si può usare ncview per dare uno sguardo facile e veloce ai propri file NetCDF solo premendo dei pulsanti. Si possono vedere dei semplici filmati dei dati, guardare seguendo varie dimensioni, dare uno sguardo ai reali valori dei dati, cambiare le mappe dei colori, invertire i dati e fare altre semplici operazioni visive.

Screenshots of package ncview
programma per leggere e scrivere file NetCDF
Versions of package netcdf-bin
Debtags of package netcdf-bin:
Popcon: 92 users (62 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Contiene i programmi ncdump e ncgen che convertono rispettivamente file NetCDF in ASCII e viceversa. NetCDF (network Common Data Form) è un'interfaccia per l'acceso a dati scientifici e una libreria software liberamente distribuibile che fornisce un'implementazione dell'interfaccia. La libreria netCDF definisce anche un formato indipendente dall'architettura per rappresentare dati scientifici. Insieme, interfaccia, libreria e formato permettono la creazione, l'accesso e la condivisione di dati scientifici.

Debian packages in contrib or non-free

Delft object-oriented radar interferometric software
Versions of package doris
stretch4.06~beta2+dfsg-3 (contrib)amd64,i386
sid5.0.3~beta+dfsg-18 (contrib)amd64
trixie5.0.3~beta+dfsg-18 (contrib)amd64
bookworm5.0.3~beta+dfsg-16 (contrib)amd64,i386
bullseye5.0.3~beta+dfsg-14 (contrib)amd64,i386
buster5.0.3~beta+dfsg-7 (contrib)amd64,i386
jessie4.06~beta2+dfsg-3 (contrib)amd64,i386
Popcon: 0 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free, but needs non-free components
Language: C++, python, csh

DORIS is an Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) processor developed by the Delft Institute of Earth Observation and Space Systems of Delft University of Technology.

Interferometric products and endproducts such as Digital Elevation Models and displacement maps can be generated with this software from Single Look Complex data. Data from the satellites ERS, ENVISAT (first ENVISAT interferogram, DEM, and perspective view, JERS (first JERS interferogram), and RADARSAT (first RADARSAT interferogram) can be processed with the Doris software.

??? missing short description for package googleearth-package :-(
Maintainer: Adnan Hodzic
Versions of package googleearth-package
jessie1.2.2 (contrib)all
stretch1.2.2 (contrib)all
Debtags of package googleearth-package:
Popcon: 10 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free, but needs non-free components
Statistical-Cost, Network-Flow Algorithm for 2D Phase Unwrapping
Versions of package snaphu
buster1.4.2-7 (non-free)amd64
stretch1.4.2-2 (non-free)amd64
jessie1.4.2-2 (non-free)amd64
bullseye2.0.4-1 (non-free)amd64
bookworm2.0.5-1 (non-free)amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x
sid2.0.7-1 (non-free)amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x
trixie2.0.7-1 (non-free)amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x
Debtags of package snaphu:
Popcon: 5 users (1 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: non-free
Language: C

Two-dimensional phase unwrapping is the process of recovering unambiguous phase data from a 2-D array of phase values known only modulo 2pi rad.

There are many applications, like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), fringe pattern analysis, tomography and spectroscopy, which as part of their fundamental operation depend upon the extraction of a phase signal from their input image. Usually the phase is available in a form that suffers from 2-pi phase jumps due to the use of the mathematical arctangent function, which produces an inherently wrapped output. This wrapped phase is unusable until the phase discontinuities are removed.

SNAPHU is an implementation of the Statistical-cost, Network-flow Algorithm for Phase Unwrapping particularly suitable for SAR interferometry applications. This algorithm poses phase unwrapping as a maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimation problem, the objective of which is to compute the most likely unwrapped solution given the observable input data. Because the statistics relating the input data to the solution depend on the measured quantity, SNAPHU incorporates three built-in statistical models, for topography data, deformation data, and smooth generic data. The posed optimization problem is solved approximately with use of network-flow techniques.

As SNAPHU uses an iterative optimization procedure, its execution time depends on the difficulty of the interferogram. In single-tile mode the required memory is on the order of 100 MB per 1000000 pixels in the input interferogram.

Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS

Geo-Spatial Data Viewer open source edition
Versions of package gsdview
Versions and Archs
License: GPL-2
Debian package not available
Version: 0.6.5-1

GSDView open source edition is a lightweight viewer for geo-spatial data and products written in Python and Qt4. GSDView is modular and has a simple plug-in architecture. It is mainly intended to be a graphical front-end for the GDAL library and tools.

ASF Remote Sensing Tool Kit
Versions of package mapready
Versions and Archs
License: non-free
Debian package not available
Language: C
Version: 2.3.17-1

The MapReady Remote Sensing Tool Kit accepts level 1 detected SAR data, single look complex SAR data, and optical data from ASF and some other facilities. It can terrain correct, geocode, apply polarimetric decompositions to multi-pol SAR data, and save to several common imagery formats including GeoTIFF. Other software included in the package are an image viewer, metadata viewer, a projection coordinate converter, and a variety of command line tools.

OSSIM graphical interface
Versions of package ossim-gui
Versions and Archs
License: free
Debian package not available

Open Source Software Image Map (OSSIM) is a high performance engine for remote sensing, image processing, geographical information systems and photogrammetry. It has been actively developed since 1996.

Designed as a series of high performance software libraries, it is written in C++ employing the latest techniques in object-oriented software design.

The library provides advanced remote sensing, image processing, and geo-spatial functionality. A quick summary of OSSIM functionality includes ortho-rectification, precision terrain correction, rigorous sensor models, very large mosaics, and cross sensor fusions, a wide range of map projections and datums, and a large range of commercial and government data formats. The architecture of the library supports parallel processing with mpi (not enabled), a dynamic plugin architecture, and dynamically connectable objects allowing rapid prototyping of custom image processing chains.

This package contains the OSSIM graphical interface.

OSSIM package-support utilities
Versions of package ossim-package-support
Versions and Archs
License: free
Debian package not available

Open Source Software Image Map (OSSIM) is a high performance engine for remote sensing, image processing, geographical information systems and photogrammetry. It has been actively developed since 1996.

Designed as a series of high performance software libraries, it is written in C++ employing the latest techniques in object-oriented software design.

The library provides advanced remote sensing, image processing, and geo-spatial functionality. A quick summary of OSSIM functionality includes ortho-rectification, precision terrain correction, rigorous sensor models, very large mosaics, and cross sensor fusions, a wide range of map projections and datums, and a large range of commercial and government data formats. The architecture of the library supports parallel processing with mpi (not enabled), a dynamic plugin architecture, and dynamically connectable objects allowing rapid prototyping of custom image processing chains.

This package contains the OSSIM data shared between packages.

OSSIM planet utilities
Versions of package ossim-planet
Versions and Archs
License: free
Debian package not available

Open Source Software Image Map (OSSIM) is a high performance engine for remote sensing, image processing, geographical information systems and photogrammetry. It has been actively developed since 1996.

Designed as a series of high performance software libraries, it is written in C++ employing the latest techniques in object-oriented software design.

The library provides advanced remote sensing, image processing, and geo-spatial functionality. A quick summary of OSSIM functionality includes ortho-rectification, precision terrain correction, rigorous sensor models, very large mosaics, and cross sensor fusions, a wide range of map projections and datums, and a large range of commercial and government data formats. The architecture of the library supports parallel processing with mpi (not enabled), a dynamic plugin architecture, and dynamically connectable objects allowing rapid prototyping of custom image processing chains.

This package contains the OSSIM planet utilities.

OSSIM planet Qt utility
Versions of package ossim-planet-qt
Versions and Archs
License: free
Debian package not available

Open Source Software Image Map (OSSIM) is a high performance engine for remote sensing, image processing, geographical information systems and photogrammetry. It has been actively developed since 1996.

Designed as a series of high performance software libraries, it is written in C++ employing the latest techniques in object-oriented software design.

The library provides advanced remote sensing, image processing, and geo-spatial functionality. A quick summary of OSSIM functionality includes ortho-rectification, precision terrain correction, rigorous sensor models, very large mosaics, and cross sensor fusions, a wide range of map projections and datums, and a large range of commercial and government data formats. The architecture of the library supports parallel processing with mpi (not enabled), a dynamic plugin architecture, and dynamically connectable objects allowing rapid prototyping of custom image processing chains.

This package contains the OSSIM planet Qt utility.

OSSIM core plugins
Versions of package ossim-plugins
Versions and Archs
License: free
Debian package not available

Open Source Software Image Map (OSSIM) is a high performance engine for remote sensing, image processing, geographical information systems and photogrammetry. It has been actively developed since 1996.

Designed as a series of high performance software libraries, it is written in C++ employing the latest techniques in object-oriented software design.

The library provides advanced remote sensing, image processing, and geo-spatial functionality. A quick summary of OSSIM functionality includes ortho-rectification, precision terrain correction, rigorous sensor models, very large mosaics, and cross sensor fusions, a wide range of map projections and datums, and a large range of commercial and government data formats. The architecture of the library supports parallel processing with mpi (not enabled), a dynamic plugin architecture, and dynamically connectable objects allowing rapid prototyping of custom image processing chains.

This package contains the OSSIM core plugins.

Polarimetric SAR Data Processing and Educational Tool
Versions of package polsarpro
Versions and Archs
License: GPL-2.0
Debian package not available
Language: C, Tcl/Tk
Version: 4.2.0+dfsg-1

The Polarimetric SAR Data Processing and Educational Tool aims to facilitate the accessibility and exploitation of multi-polarised SAR datasets including those from ESA Third Party Missions (ALOS PALSAR), Envisat ASAR Alternating Polarisation mode products, RADARSAT-2 and TerraSAR-X.

A wide-ranging tutorial and comprehensive documentation provide a grounding in polarimetry and polarimetric interferometry necessary to stimulate research and development of scientific applications that utilise such techniques; the toolbox of processing functions offers users the capability to implement them.

PolSARpro is developed under contract to ESA by a consortium comprising IETR at the University of Rennes 1, The Microwaves and Radar Institute (HR) of DLR and AEL Consultants, together with Dr Mark Williams. The initiative is a direct result of recommendations made at the POLInSAR Workshops held at ESRIN in January 2003, 2005 and 2007.

Unofficial packages built by somebody else

Automated DORIS Environment
Responsible: Antonio Valentino
License: GPL-2
Language: bash, python

ADORE is a shell environment designed to simplify and streamline SAR interferometry with the DORIS InSAR processor. It is an attempt to simplify processing of different interferometric stacks like, single-master-stack, or short-baselines. It is highly configurable and provides sensible default options. Each DORIS step can be run individually.

Basic Envisat SAR Toolbox
Responsible: Antonio Valentino
License: non-free (free for non-commercial applications)

BEST is a collection of executable software tools that has been developed to facilitate the use of ESA SAR data.

The purpose of the Toolbox is not to duplicate existing commercial packages, but to complement them with functions dedicated to the handling of SAR products obtained from the ASAR (Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar) onboard Envisat and the AMIs (Active Microwave Instrument) onboard ERS 1/2.

Remark of Debian GIS team: binary only, re-distribution not allowed without authorization
A GUI front-end for BEST written in Python and GTK+
Responsible: Antonio Valentino
License: GPL-2
Language: Python

BEST (Basic Envisat SAR Toolbox) is a collection of executable software tools that has been designed to facilitate the use of ESA (the European Space Agency) SAR data. It operates according to user-generated parameters files.

BESTGUI allows you to easily generate the parameters files for the BEST tools and launch the processing from the GUI. It provides:

  • enhanced menus and toolbars
  • persistent preferences
  • smart environment handling
  • colorized output log
  • progress bars for processing completion
  • the ability of stopping a running task from the GUI (stop button)
  • a dialog for the AoI specification
  • output preview for all (and not only) the tools that have an image as output
Client for ESA Earth Observation Catalogue and Ordering Services
License: to be clarified
Language: Java

EOLi (Earth Observation Link) is the European Space Agency's client for Earth Observation Catalogue and Ordering Services. Using EOLi, you can browse the metadata and preview images of Earth Observation data acquired by the satellites ENVISAT, ERS, Landsat, IKONOS, DMC, ALOS, SPOT, Kompsat, Proba, JERS, IRS, Nimbus, NOAA, SCISAT, SeaStar, Terra/Aqua.

Scientific Users with a registered account can order or download products of various processing levels.

Precise orbits interpolation utility
Responsible: Antonio Valentino
License: to be clarified
Language: Fortran

The software consists of a program lodr to list the content of the Orbital Data Records (ODRs), a subroutine library getorb.a that can be ported to some other program to interpolate the orbits and any given moment, and an example program getorb to demonstrate the use of the getorb.a library.

Program to do cross-correlation for motion tracking
License: GPL-2.0+
Language: C

IMCORR takes two images and a series of input parameters and attempts to match small subscenes (called 'chips') from the two images. The program uses a fast fourier transform based version of a normalized cross-covariance method.

The most common use of this type of algorithm in image processing is to accurately locate tie-point pairs in two images to coregister them. However, if the images are already coregistered by other means, the algorithm may be used to find the displacements of moving features, provided that the features show little change in their appearance, and that the motion is strictly translational.

The correlation, peak finding, and error estimation routines in IMCORR are derived from FORTRAN subroutines from the Land Analysis System software (LAS) written at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and USGS Eros Data Center.

IMCORR consists of a C code wrapper which makes the use of the routines more straightforward and automated for velocity-mapping applications.

Opticks is an open source remote sensing application and development framework
License: LGPL-2
Language: C, C++

Opticks is an expandable remote sensing and imagery analysis software platform that is free and open source. Unlike other competing tools, you can add capability to Opticks by creating an extension. Opticks provides the most advanced extension capability of any other remote sensing tool on the market.


  • Supports the following file formats: NITF 2.0/2.1, GeoTIFF, ENVI, ASPAM/PAR, CGM, DTED, Generic RAW, ESRI Shapefile, HDF5, AVI, MPEG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP
  • Zoom, pan, rotate spatially large datasets
  • Quickly layer GIS features, annotations, results, and other information over your data to provide context
  • Many image display controls such as colormap, histogram, transparency, etc
  • Support for datasets larger than four gigabytes
  • Analysts can quickly combine steps using graphical wizards
  • Support for processing data in it's native interleave of BIP, BSQ or BIL
  • Get extensions to drop in new capability
Generates Digital Elevation Models using a local gridding method
License: BSD
Language: C++

Points2Grid generates Digital Elevation Models (DEM) using a local gridding method. The local gridding algorithm computes grid cell elevation using a circular neighbourhood defined around each grid cell based on a radius provided by the user. This neighbourhood is referred to as a bin, while the grid cell is referred to as a DEM node.

Up to four values - minimum, maximum, mean, or inverse distance weighted (IDW) mean - are computed for points that fall within the bin. These values are then assigned to the corresponding DEM node and used to represent the elevation variation over the neighbourhood represented by the bin. If no points are found within a given bin, the DEM node receives a value of null.

The Points2Grid service also provides a null filing option, which applies an inverse distance weighted focal mean via a square moving window of 3, 5, or 7 pixels to fill cells in the DEM that have null values.

No known packages available

Generic InSAR Analysis Toolbox
License: non-free (free for non-commercial applications)
Debian package not available
Language: Python

GIAnT is a suite of Python libraries and scripts that implement various published time-series InSAR algorithms in a common framework. GIAnT was developed for

  1, Rapid generation of time-series products from interferogram.
  2. Direct comparison of time-series InSAR products using different
  3. Cal-Val for time-series InSAR.

The toolbox currently includes implementations of SBAS, N-SBAS and MInTS algorithms. The toolbox also includes support for using weather model data for stratified troposphere corrections and GPS data for orbital error corrections.

Next ESA SAR Toolbox (NEST)
License: GPL-3
Debian package not available
Language: Java

The Next ESA SAR Toolbox (NEST) is a user friendly open source toolbox for reading, post-processing, analysing and visualising the large archive of data (from Level 1) from ESA SAR missions including ERS-1 & 2, ENVISAT and in the future Sentinel-1. In addition, NEST supports handling of products from third party missions including JERS-1, ALOS PALSAR, TerraSAR-X, Radarsat-2 and Cosmo-Skymed.

NEST helps the remote sensing community by supporting the handling of various SAR products and complimenting existing software packages. NEST has been built using the BEAM Earth Observation Toolbox and Development Platform and it covers the functionality of the older Basic Envisat SAR Toolbox BEST. NEST is currently undergoing development with periodic new releases. The major new functionality in NEST over BEST is an integrated viewer and orthorectification and mosaicking of SAR images.

NEST is extensible with an API that allows users to easily create their own plugin Readers, Processors and Writers. NEST is open source under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). If you are interested in contributing by developing a reader or writer for a product please contact us.

NEST is being developed by Array Systems Computing Inc. of Toronto Canada under ESA Contract number 20698/07/I-LG. InSAR functionalities are being developed by a joint effort of PPO.labs, Delft University of Technology and Array.

Remark of Debian GIS team: includes/uses the JAI package that is non-free
Tropospheric correction methods for SAR interferometry
License: non-free (free for non-commercial applications)
Debian package not available
Language: Python

PyAPS is a python implementation of stratified tropospheric correction methods using inputs from global atmospheric models (GAM).

The package currently works with ERA-Interim Reanalysis, NARR and MERRA data, but can be easily extended to support more weather models.

Generic BUFR file reader written in python
Responsible: Antonio Valentino
License: GPL-3
Debian package not available
Language: Python

Generic Python BUFR file reader based on the ECMWF BUFR library. File support is similar to the ECMWF BUFR library and the package currently only supports read-only mode.

This module is part of the Pytroll project.

Repeat Orbit Interferometry PACkage
License: non-free (licenses available at no charge for non-commercial use)
Debian package not available
Language: Fortran, Perl

ROI_PAC allows researchers in the area of topography and surface change to apply Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) methods.

InSAR is the synthesis of conventional SAR techniques and interferometry techniques that have been developed over several decades in radio astronomy and radar remote sensing, and in recent years has opened entirely new application areas for radar in the earth system sciences, including topographic mapping and geodesy [v. e.g., Thompson et al. 1986, Massonnet and Feigl 1998, Rosen et al. 2000].

ROI_PAC uses raw radar data, ancillary information from telemetry and navigation solutions, and digital elevation models (DEM; externally provided or interferometrically derived) to produce a variety of derived data products, including the full resolution images, interferograms, phase images measured as principal value and continuously "unwrapped," DEMs, and error estimates.

Variable Resolution Interferogram Resampler
License: non-free (free for non-commercial applications)
Debian package not available
Language: Python

The Varres package implements a curvature-based quadtree-like interferogram resampler.

The original matlab package has been extended to include support for using a predefined map for resampling and estimation of an approximate covariance matrix for the samples.

*Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of people who upgraded this package recently) out of 252091