Openstudio Project
Bugs of task musicnotation
Total bugs: 41
Open bugs: 39
Fixed bugs: 2
Links to other tasks Legend
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 1 1
important 4 1
normal 12 5
minor 9 1
wishlist 5 0

Summary bugs page of task Openstudiopro-muscicnotation

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (256)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

1 serious, 4 important, 12 normal, 9 minor, 5 wishlist
87700 lilypond1.3: Splitting the fonts apart
153782 lilypond: Grace notes and volta bar merges
153784 lilypond: Clef changes don't line up when using grace notes
335828 Lilypond needs to be moved from 'tex' to... oh, I don't know... wontfix
405026 lilypond-book customization required for using platex, command-line option?
492603 lilypond: search path overrides implicit path
506608 please install vim helper files if vim is present
562727 [lilypond] Problem with Unicode UTF-8 character " (not a quotation mark). moreinfo, unreproducible
585247 lilypond-data: Python string exceptions no more allowed in Python 2.6
594409 lilipond gets confused by LC_ALL=C
653263 lilypond: list lilypond-doc as suggested, not recommended, package patch, wontfix
684192 lilypond-book: not running due to python problem
709995 lilypond-doc: lots of 'dpkg: warning: unable to delete old directory...' errors
737505 lilypond-data: rmdir warning on upgrade
745428 lilypond-mode.el in /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp gives an error
746005 lilypond: please migrate to guile-2.0
761036 lilypond: Updated hurd patch to fix hurd FTBFS patch
771732 lilypond-data: calls mktexlsr in postinst instead of using triggers pending
806067 lilypond: FTBFS when built with dpkg-buildpackage -A (No such file or directory)
815212 lilypond: Changing the output paper size is "hard"
752124 musescore: FTBFS with clang instead of gcc moreinfo, patch
795442 musescore: does not honor /etc/papersize
797259 musescore: CPUS=0 not handled properly patch
798289 musescore: Ctrl+{+|-} does not work from keyboard's numpad
802710 musescore: Embeds Qt5's private headers without putting them in a namespace
808781 musescore: Please remove unneeded build depends
815688 musescore: missing user manual
818619 musescore: copyright file needs updating
818795 musescore: upstream revision is incorrect
821325 musescore: new upstream release 2.0.3
823160 musescore: Playback volume inside of MuseScore is low

Open bugs in suggested packages

1 serious, 1 important, 5 normal, 1 minor
613140 denemo-data: A320U.sf2 bank 128 instruments lost? fixed-upstream
742582 Can't import proper lilypond file
742583 Wrong path to lilypond executable
784610 [frescobaldi] Qt4's WebKit removal
591907 nted: Segmentation Fault while deleting staves
642227 WARNING: SegmentNotationHelper::makeNoteViable(): No valid split for event
740201 rosegarden: Rosegarden has been built in "debug" mode patch
785576 rosegarden: crash. start, click view help, moreinfo, unreproducible

Done bugs

724588 [musescore] Musescore package is missing fonts
768524 musescore: New upstream release available
*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Tue, 02 Aug 2016 00:09:08 -0000