Openstudio Project
Bugs of task fluxbox
Total bugs: 223
Open bugs: 215
Fixed bugs: 8
Links to other tasks Legend
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 0 0
important 31 0
normal 121 0
minor 24 0
wishlist 39 0

Summary bugs page of task Fluxbox

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (1626)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

31 important, 121 normal, 24 minor, 39 wishlist
536386 conky: uses all my spare CPU cycles unless rebuilt with --disable-xdamage confirmed, moreinfo
549320 conky: Wrong mails_new count on mboxes with Status: O upstream
616531 conky: crashing with "goto needs arguments" error moreinfo, unreproducible
635637 conky: elements disordered confirmed, upstream
637170 conky: Enable hurd build by patching build system? confirmed
652536 conky: update_interval is random unreproducible
668939 conky: ``format_human_readable no'' causes wrong values confirmed, upstream
682834 conky: Conky doesn't start at boot-up (invalid opcode ip) unreproducible
684425 conky-std: please implement an alternative way to distinguish among hwmon devices
692199 conky-std: apparently random segfault
718340 conky: Fails to start from script moreinfo, unreproducible
726637 conky: please enable ALSA support confirmed
747023 Parameter declarations of print_format_time differ in signedness
778285 conky-all: graphs use outdated values after wakup from hibernation moreinfo
791355 conky: Memory allocation error upstream
791718 conky-std: conky should clearly document how the removed pre_exec variable may be replaced
815347 conky: FTBFS on kfreebsd: find_process and new_process undeclared
164828 fluxbox: Applications with shaded windows should not get keypresses upstream
198664 fluxbox 0.1.14-1: automatic group tab order upstream
243452 fluxbox: Change workspace warping border Left/Right to Top/Bottom upstream
303082 fluxbox package is missing official documentation
309898 moving window on xinerama sometimes unexpectedly transposes window by a screenwidth
352995 fluxbox should use more than just WM_CLASS to remember apps settings
443167 fluxbox does not notice xinerama geometry changes
472689 command to position open windows non-overlapping upstream
481743 dragging windows between tabs does not work as expected confirmed, upstream
485643 Fluxbox opens windows in random, haphazard positions.
502919 fluxbox: Emacs resizing problem confirmed
503050 fluxbox: loose hot-key settings, hangs moreinfo, unreproducible
508898 fluxbox: forgets PrevWorkspace keypresses under certain circumstances
515344 fluxbox: fbsetbg works but shows error message window
523504 fluxbox: Broken display of non-Latin characters in window title
543387 fluxbox: Zombie windows/tabs after killing application confirmed
551102 fluxbox: toolbar displays supposedly hidden applications
553649 X11 property _NET_WORKAREA not updated correctly
559769 [Fluxbox/Regression] Toolbar popup menu is sometimes misplaced confirmed
565491 [fluxbox] Doesn't start programs
567541 fluxbox: resizing the windows takes lot of time to refresh
567890 fluxbox: Setting keymap in startup script does not work
575809 fluxbox: Mouse cursor invisible with xrandr confirmed
575969 fluxbox: slitlist not swallowing without window manager reset jessie, sid, stretch
593061 Pointer moving between windows not detected correctly
593597 Fwd: Fluxbox maximize is not behaving with xrandr
598453 Proposal of Fluxbox styles
603872 fluxbox: Adding OnTab key context fixed-upstream, patch, upstream
612893 fluxbox: Keypresses are lost after changing workspaces
614559 fluxbox: Won't start with vertical toolbar
616655 fluxbox: backgrounds are not changed when selecting new style from the menu
629581 Zombie windows after closing terminal
630479 fluxbox: kvm/qemu resizing bug
632688 ConfigureWindow not handled correctly
633157 Using wrong configuration file leads to data loss
633431 fluxbox: don't "remember" right "head" when window on border
636632 fbrun history is broken pending
645525 midori: awkward question mark added to window title in Fluxbox
649935 fluxbox: changing style does not change window title bar text colors
650639 fluxbox crash when expanding the toolbar to "All Heads"
652682 fluxbox: fbsetbg messes up with lastwallpaper when $DISPLAY switches between :0 and :0.0 patch
653095 fluxbox: Tabbed Java Apps can't be selected
653271 Fluxbox: window title follow mouse cursor and don't disappear
657483 fbsetbg: Annoying message on fluxbox startup when background image is disabled patch, squeeze
660461 persistent app settings applied to wrong window
666938 fluxbox: Unauthorized "apps" file overwrite
666939 fluxbox: Does not work the keyword "[Hidden] {yes}" in the apps-file
706892 fluxbox: Allt + F10 does not maximize window
711447 clicking on tabs doesn't raise windows
722770 fluxbox link with -L/usr/lib
732426 Fluxbox loses keyboard focus on workspace change
732573 fluxbox doesn't show teamviwer tray icon
737723 wrong codeset for the Bulgarian translation l10n, patch, upstream
743772 fluxbox: Cannot move Gnome 3.12 applications
775931 fluxbox should be compiled with randr support (preempting need for restart on resolution change)
807416 fluxbox: keyboard unresponsive in slim after exiting fluxbox (systemd session not properly closed?)
812383 fluxbox reports many "Failed to read" errors during startup
370126 idesk: all icons disappear when moving an icon
436949 Use ~/Desktop as default
717371 idesk: Anomalous memory consumption each time the wallpaper is changed confirmed, patch
722783 idesk link with -L/usr/lib
menu (20) Homepage: Not maintained in Vcs Bill Allombert
82104 [hints] menu: can produce submenus with only 1 item confirmed
128763 [hints] menu: Needs a feature to possibly duplicate/merge items with hint_optimize
162849 menu: how about needs=daemon
173459 menu: should support on-the-fly generation to stdout
204086 [hints] menu: hint-optimize could group stuff under "Other" when needed
241189 general: some WM packages build system menus that don't fit onscreen
246224 [hints] menu: does not create Apps/Science although no hint appears to prevent it
257223 menu should use en_US's name when other locale
292504 [hints] menu: fails to create entry if hint is the same as a package
484561 Undocumented command line option --trigger in update-menus
613001 menu: Please convert SGML to DocBook XML
628574 menu should not ignore menu entries for packages that were configured once patch
669943 menu: Please clarify supported icon types (§3.7)
707888 Please remove mention of postinst in /usr/share/menu/README. patch
743789 menu: su-to-root fails to execute calls with multiple commands in one line
763511 menu depends on bash
793376 su-to-root: higher priority for kdesudo and gksudo
794521 update-menus not recognizing or using entry in ~/.menu
815184 Interop with *.desktop entries
819028 menu: Menu doesn't update automagically
687204 Manpage out-of-date fixed-upstream
794901 nitrogen: patch for !linux support patch
796980 nitrogen: New features from upstream
703026 tabbed: option to display the icon name instead of the window name
737063 suckless-tools: dmenu crashes on LANG=eo.UTF-8 l10n, unreproducible
802217 dmenu doesn't complain when font doesn't exist upstream
802732 dmenu: please add case insensitive search for non-ascii symbols
815357 suckless-tools: FTBFS on hurd-i386: 'PATH_MAX' undeclared
523631 thunar: Not always possible to "Open Terminal Here" confirmed, fixed-upstream, upstream
531997 thunar's file manipulation keybindings don't work when name filter is active
538093 thunar: When installed replaces nautilus as default GNOME file manager confirmed
564535 thunar: add ability to use a directory as template upstream, wontfix
564537 thunar: hides extensions from filenames in templates menu fixed-upstream
575385 Thunar: Disable execution
578297 thunar: 2-pane support (like e.g. midnight commander) jessie, sid, stretch, upstream, wontfix
583326 thunar: right-clicking a file selects it but does not move keyboard focus confirmed
590166 thunar-data: missing "sendto" action for blueman-sendto
625691 thunar: Thunar crashes when opened dir is renamed by other program
625694 thunar: Thunar will not use plain 'images' as icons for custom actions confirmed
626586 Menu: View > Side Pane > [ ] Shortcuts / [ ] Tree should be radio buttons confirmed, upstream, wontfix
633771 thunar: useless error when ejecting removable media moreinfo
648338 thunar: Problems occur after update to gtk3(?): no file or menu icons, no file associations unreproducible
652228 [iceweasel] File api demo does not work
664664 thunar segfaults in rename multiple when 'audio tags' and suffix are selected
673363 Please mark Thunar*.desktop as XFCE only upstream, wontfix
677725 thunar: deleting files on removable media uses a trash with no command to empty it
682439 thunar: delete problem upstream
693771 thunar: Enable use of bookmarks/shortcuts when Side Pane is displaying Tree upstream
693937 thunar: Thunar crashes when mounting USB stick
695332 Eject and Unmount USB flash drives
697058 thunar: USB stick mounting directory become odd and when I opened that, thunar will be crash moreinfo
697392 thunar: Ugly GUI layout in default "Bulk Rename" screen
701636 thunar crashes when folder contain large images (~ 1 GB/image)
705072 Thunar crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_equal()
711682 thunar: Forgets history after view changes fixed-upstream
719183 thunar: Depend on udisks2
725389 thunar: Repeated FS name in disks list with multidisk btrfs
728065 thunar: USB and eSATA devices not seen by Thunar
732035 thunar: Unable to mount USB drives with Thunar
734098 thunar: Thunar freezes on Open https Location
737772 thunar: Dumped core on exit, not sure why.
738108 thunar: Clicking the "Eject" symbol beside a removeable drive mounts it so it fails! upstream
740879 thunar: Provide some "empty" space in Detailed List view to easily access right-click menu and deselect all upstream
744238 thunar: show warning "Error with extend attribute <<.gltth>>" Operation not supported. upstream
751474 thunar: Thunar hangs if unable to cleanly terminate SFTP session
753159 thunar: When attempting to browse network, receive error msg: Failed to open "/ on ".
765543 Thunar network browsing fails in Jessie beta 2
777218 thunar: /misc-case-sensitive hide option doesn't work
779457 thunar: Cannot cancel mount authentication
780013 thunar: No automount of removable media
781174 thunar: unable to mount password protected shares (jessie)
786958 thunar does not show contents of google drive directory
788365 thunar fails to mount writable LUKS image
788860 thunar: tree expansion in folder pane
800723 intermittent segfault on file drag and drop
801795 thunar: Segmentation Fault - USB Digital Camera Folder patch
802299 thunar crashes and logouts session when visiting a folder containing video files
803968 thunar: segfault deleting some files
804816 thunar: Crash when moving file from xfce desktop to folder
804819 thunar: Thunar crashes when moving a file from XFCE desktop to a folder
805574 thunar: renaming leads to segfault upstream
806810 thunar: Wrong progress reported while copying big files to/from network disk
815017 thunar: Thunar segfaults when renaming a file upstream
815353 thunar: Sending file to email address doesn´t include the file in kmail editor
818484 Renaming or moving files or dirs leads to segfault upstream
820541 thunar: Dead keys are ignored in the file creation and file renaming fields l10n, moreinfo
823578 thunar: Apply patch that solves Thunar constant crashes upstream
465109 wmctrl: add ability to change application icon patch
516345 wmctrl: add ability to list information about :ACTIVE: and :SELECT: windows patch
683968 wmctrl: Typo in man page
683970 wmctrl: Error in man page
710592 wishlist: -l for more info
743262 add -a details to man page
764501 wmctrl: add a 'minimize' option
579267 xfpm could warn user there's no screensaver running when she asks for screen lock on suspend upstream
580674 xfce4-power-manager: inactivity recognition fails when two xfce-sessions are running upstream
618012 xfce4-power-manager: dims, but fails to undim radeon on powerbook G4
627336 xfce4-power-manager: Not enough brightness levels confirmed, fixed-upstream, upstream
632827 some parameters not loaded correctly in xfce4-power-manager-settings confirmed, fixed-in-experimental, fixed-upstream
641752 xfpm: cannot change default values for backlight brightness while inactive confirmed, fixed-in-experimental, fixed-upstream
651751 xfce4-power-manager: FN Keys not working squeeze
666061 xfce4-power-manager: not locking screen on lid close when a second monitor is attached moreinfo, unreproducible
671867 xfce4-power-manager: power-manager will not start unreproducible
673458 xfce4-power-manager: No dimming of screen brightness when backports-kernel is booted
674439 remove OnlyShowIn=XFCE from xfce4-power-manager.desktop file fixed-upstream
676854 xfce4-power-manager: automatic brightness adjust broken fixed, fixed-upstream, patch, pending
676987 xfce4-power-manager: label for config option critical-power-level is misleading
680443 Prevents shutdown with useless error message fixed-upstream
680749 thinkpad: thinkpad_acpi display brightness problems confirmed, fixed-upstream, upstream
688371 xfce4-power-manager: Segfaults when power cord is plugged/unplugged
688598 xfce4-power-manager: Notification icon actions are not configurable
692978 xfce4-power-manager: Unclear French translation for xfce4-power-manager-settings l10n
694391 runs batteries down, doesn't warn, doesn't suspend
699677 xfce4-power-manager-plugins: xfce4-brightness-plugin setting isn't persistent
708377 xfce: power saving mode stop to work after a suspend or an hibernation
709387 xfce4-power-manager: FTBFS on hurd-i386 fixed-upstream
711224 xfce4-power-manager-plugins: shutdown when power button is pressed even if configured to "ask"
714660 xfce4-power-manager: Unchecked "Spin down hard disks" but hard disk still spins down upstream, wontfix
718269 segfaults upon changing displays/resolution in XGrabServer
721027 /usr/bin/xfce4-power-manager-settings: xfce4-power-manager-settings Help button does not work
726672 xfce4-power-manager: Activates a locked screen to turn down the brightness
727605 Add support for systemd inhibit API patch
738294 needs to inhibit systemd handling of lid close and power button patch
739871 bug screen not locked after computer started up from hibernate. used to work before upgrade to 7.4 moreinfo
750514 Move to udisks2, udisks 1 is deprecated
755215 [xfce4-power-manager] Setting backlight with keyboard does not work correctly
758771 xfce4-power-manager conflicts with default settings of systemd/logind
762500 xfce4-power-manager-plugins: plugin icon is missing
762519 xfce4-power-manager 1.4.0 misses lxpanel plugin.
773743 xfce4-power-manager: Suspend fails (requests authentication in order to suspend) moreinfo, unreproducible
777746 xfce4-power-manager: infinite loop of battery charging/battery full popup messages
778642 xfce4-power-manager-plugins: Serious memory leak in moreinfo, patch, unreproducible
786672 xfce4-power-manager: Display brightness reduced during VLC video playback
789705 xfce4-power-manager: Can't save properties
793437 xfce4-power-manager: temporary and erroneous "9% remaining" in panel plugin
800890 xfce4-power-manager: If set to suspend on lid close when on battery, suspends on the event when on power cord, too.
815019 xfce4-power-manager: uses much memory when running for several days

Open bugs in suggested packages

Done bugs

635644 conky-std: often fails to start from .xsession ("Alarm clock" error) upstream
611535 suckless-tools: tabbed: Option to exit if last subwindow vanished
703025 suckless-tools: lsw output is incorrect
739629 slock: Should use PAM for authentication patch
746605 /usr/bin/dmenu: Please upgrade dmenu to include '-m' flag for dwm compatibility
766258 slock: missing newline after error message
774955 suckless-tools: broken manpage for dmenu_run: can't open /usr/share/man/man1/dmenu.1: No such file or directory
783621 suckless-tools: /usr/bin/dmenu_path missing
*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Tue, 02 Aug 2016 00:09:08 -0000