Tento metabalík nainštaluje arkádové hry.
For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row has a color code according to this scheme:
If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Games
to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to
send a description of that project to the Debian Games mailing list
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Debian Games arcade packages
Official Debian packages with high relevance
Versions of package a7xpg |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.11.dfsg1-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.11.dfsg1-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.11.dfsg1-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.11.dfsg1-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
bullseye | 0.11.dfsg1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
buster | 0.11.dfsg1-10 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.11.dfsg1-9 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package a7xpg: |
game | arcade |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Cieľom hry je pozbierať všetky zlaté prúty v každej úrovni a nenaraziť do
žiadneho z nepriateľov. Postupne sa budete stretávať s ťažšími nepriateľmi a
ak získate zlato dostatočne rýchlo, budete na chvíľu nezraniteľní.
A7Xpg je ďalší klenot medzi mnohými, ktoré vytvoril Kenta Cho.
plošinová hra „Abe's Amazing Adventure“
Versions of package abe |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.1+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.1+dfsg-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.1+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.1+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.1+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.1+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package abe: |
game | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | entertaining, gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Plošinovka, v ktorej sa skáče medzi plošinami, zbierajú sa kľúče a
objavujú staroveké pyramídy v štýle podobných hier pre Commodore+4. Hra má
ukázať mladým ľuďom aké skvelé hry zmeškali.
2D hra leteckého súboja v štýle hier „Biplanes” a „BIP”
Versions of package airstrike |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.99+1.0pre6a-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.99+1.0pre6a-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.99+1.0pre6a-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.99+1.0pre6a-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.99+1.0pre6a-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.99+1.0pre6a-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.99+1.0pre6a-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package airstrike: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Airstrike je 2D hra leteckého súboja, ktorá vychádza zo štýlu hier
Intellivision a Amiga: „Biplanes” a „BIP”. Medzi jej vlastnosti patrí
robustné fyzikálne jadro hry a niekoľko ďalších rozšírení pôvodných hier.
Môže ju hrať jeden alebo dvaja hráči.
Versions of package alienblaster |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.1.0-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.1.0-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.1.0-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1.0-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.1.0-10 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.1.0-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.1.0-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package alienblaster: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Vaša úloha je jednoduchá: zastavte inváziu mimozemšťanov a zasteľte ich!
Alien Blaster je klasická 2D strieľačka, v ktorej nájdete množstvo rôznych
zbraní, špeciálnych predmetov, mimozemšťanov na odstrel a tiež ich veľkého a
zlého šéfa.
Hra podporuje režim hry jedného hráča a režim spolupráce dvoch hráčov na
jednom počítači.
hra pre viacerých hráčov o pretekaní na lietajúcich tanieroch
Versions of package antigravitaattori |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.0.3-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.0.3-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.0.3-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.0.3-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.0.3-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.0.3-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.0.3-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package antigravitaattori: |
game | arcade, sport:racing |
interface | 3d, x11 |
junior | games-gl |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Toto je hra pre viacerých hráčov o pretekaní na lietajúcich tanieroch
vytvorená pre súťaž hier Assembly 2006. Je to skvelá a zábavná hra pre
rodinu pre 1-4 hráčov. Obsahuje úžasnú 3D grafiku.
3D hra vo vysokej rýchlosti podobná hre Tron
Versions of package armagetronad |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package armagetronad: |
game | arcade |
interface | 3d, x11 |
junior | games-gl |
network | client |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Pravidlá sú jednoduché: jazdíte na svetelnej motorke (druh motorky, ktorá
môže zatáčať iba v 90-stupňových uhloch a za sebou zanecháva
nezastaviteľnú stenu), musíte sa vyhnúť narazeniu do stien a zároveň sa
musíte pokúsiť donútiť protivníka, aby do nich narazil.
Myšlienka pochádza z Disneyho filmu „Tron“ z roku 1982. Ak ste sa niekedy
chceli previezť na jednom z týchto rýchlych diablov z filmu, máte
Armagetron Advanced možno hrať proti počítaču, proti iným ľuďom po sieti
alebo zmes oboch.
surrealistická plošinová strieľačka
Versions of package asylum |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.3.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 0.3.2-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.3.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.3.2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.3.2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.3.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.3.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package asylum: |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Mladý Sigmund má niekoľko problémov. Aby ste mu pomohli vyriešiť jeho
duševnú nestabilitu, musíte sa vydať do surrealistického sveta jeho mysli a
postrieľať chybne fungujúce mozgové bunky. Preveďte Sigmunda oblasťami Ego,
Psyché a Id - každá vo veľkosti 300-násobku obrazovky - nájdite osem
zlotrilých neurónov, vstúpte do nich jeden po druhom, nájdite a spustite ich
autodeštrukčný mechanizmus.
Toto je port hry Digital Psychosis z roku 1994 pre Acorn Archimedes.
Versions of package atanks |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 6.6~dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 6.6~dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 6.0~dfsg-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 6.5~dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 6.5~dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 6.5~dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 6.6~dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package atanks: |
game | arcade, strategy |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Atomic tanks je hra pre viacerých hráčov, kde sa pokúšate zničiť iné tanky a
zároveň chrániť ten váš. Zarábate peniaze za zničenie iných tankov. Za tieto
peniaze si môžete nakúpiť vylepšenia a lepšie zbrane pre váš tank.
Táto hra je podobná sériám hier Scorched Earth alebo Worms.
Classical castle combat game
Versions of package ballerburg |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.1.0-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.2.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.2.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.2.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.2.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.2.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.2.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package ballerburg: |
uitoolkit | sdl |
License: DFSG free
Two castles, separated by a mountain, try to defeat each other with their
cannonballs, either by killing the opponent's king or by weakening the
opponent enough so that the king capitulates.
Ballerburg was originally written 1987 by Eckhard Kruse, for the Atari ST
machines (which were brand new computers at that point in time). Over 25
years later, here's finally the adaption of the original source code to
modern operating systems.
Rather destructive action game
Versions of package barrage |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.0.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.0.4-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0.4-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.0.5-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.5-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package barrage: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Barrage is a rather destructive action game that puts you on a shooting
range with the objective to hit as many dummy targets as possible
within 3 minutes. You control a gun which may either fire small or large
grenades at dummy soldiers, jeeps and tanks. The gameplay is simple but
it is not that easy to get high scores.
Versions of package bloboats |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.0.2+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.0.2+dfsg-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.2+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0.2+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.0.2+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.2+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.2+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package bloboats: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
scope | application |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Bloboats is an arcade-like boat racing game in the hybrid spirit of
Mario-like platform jumpers and elasto mania / xmoto.
The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible to
save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master
and in the same time beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time.
The journey starts from a place called Tutorial, somewhere in the United
States, and somehow the player ends up in the famous HV-Arena of Helsinki.
During the trip a number of MS Enterprises are saved, luckily, from the
hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master, who actually
is your dad. Or then ain't. :-)
slobodný klon hry Bomberman
Versions of package bomberclone |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.11.9-7.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.11.9-7.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.11.9-7.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.11.9-7.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.11.9-7.1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.11.9-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.11.9-4 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package bomberclone: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
network | client, server |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
BomberClone je slobodná hra podobné hre Bomberman pre Linux a Windows.
Pravidlá hry sú jednoduché: prebehnite úrovňou a nechávajte bomby pre
ostatných hráčov. Dostupné sú vylepšenia, ktoré vám pridávajú silu,
zrýchľujú váš beh alebo vám umožnia zanechať viacero bômb.
BomberClone je možné hrať v režime pre viacerých hráčov prostredníctvom
sietí IPv4 alebo IPv6 alebo v režime pre jedného hráča proti počítaču.
jedzte chutnú zeleninku zo záhrady - hra pre malé deti
Versions of package bouncy |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.6.20071104-4 | all |
stretch | 0.6.20071104-5 | all |
buster | 0.6.20071104-6 | all |
bullseye | 0.6.20071104-8 | all |
bookworm | 0.6.20071104-8 | all |
trixie | 0.6.20071104-9 | all |
sid | 0.6.20071104-9 | all |
Debtags of package bouncy: |
game | arcade |
interface | 3d, x11 |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | glut |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Hráte ako hladný zajačik Bouncy. Nachádzate sa v záhrade s chutnou
zeleninkou a s farmárom, ktorý nie je nadšený z toho, že mu ju jete. Môžete
sa skryť (a pohybovať) pod zemou.
Bouncy bol napísaný, aby sa s ním mohla zabaviť trojročn dcéra autora a
staršie deti. Preto to nie je násilná hra a „jednoduchá“ obtiažnosť je
skutočne jednoduchá a „ťažká“ je výzvou.
fast paced 3d Breakout game
Versions of package briquolo |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.5.7-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 0.5.7-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.5.7-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.5.7-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.5.7-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.5.7-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.5.7-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package briquolo: |
game | arcade |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | glut |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Briquolo is a Breakout like game which takes place on a colourful 3d playing
field. It features 23 fancy levels with moving bricks, great explosions and
sounds, different camera perspectives and an editor to create your own
custom levels.
Briquolo uses OpenGL to offer modern graphical effects and is very portable
thanks to the SDL library.
rýchla 2D arkádová tanková hra pre viacerých hráčov a s režimom rozdelenej obrazovky
Versions of package btanks |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.9.8083-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.9.8083-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.9.8083-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.9.8083-4 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.9.8083-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.9.8083-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.9.8083-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package btanks: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
network | client, server |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Battle Tanks je zábavný boj na vašom stole, kde si môžete vybrať jedno z
troch vozidiel a eliminovať nepriateľa pomocou celého arzenálu zbraní. Má
originálny komiksovú grafiku a skvelú hudbu, je zábavná a dynamická, má
niekoľko režimov hry cez sieť vrátane deatchmatch a kooperatívnej hry.
Bugs are trying to suck blood out of your arm!
Versions of package bugsquish |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.0.6-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.0.6-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.0.6-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.0.6-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.0.6-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 0.0.6-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.0.6-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package bugsquish: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
"Bug Squish" is an action game not unlike light gun arcade games, but
played with a mouse. It's loosely based on a MacOS game whose name Bill
can't recall.
Bugs are trying to suck blood out of your arm! Squish them with
your fly swatter before you run out of blood.
jeden alebo dvaja hráči pretekajú viacúrovňovým bludiskom
Versions of package bumprace |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.5.4-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 1.5.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.5.4-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.5.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.5.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.5.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.5.7-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package bumprace: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
V BumpRacer si jeden alebo dvaja hráči (ako tím alebo proti sebe) zvolia zo
štyroch vozidiel a pretekajú viacúrovňovým bludiskom. Hráči musia získať
bonusy a vyhnúť sa pasciam a paľbe nepriateľa v pretekoch o čas. Ďalšie
informácie nájdete na domovskej stránke
Avoid evil foodstuffs and make burgers
Versions of package burgerspace |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.9.5-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.10.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.10.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.9.2-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.9.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.9.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.9.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package burgerspace: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
This is a clone of the classic game "BurgerTime". In it, you play the
part of a chef who must create burgers by stepping repeatedly on the
ingredients until they fall into place. And to make things more
complicated, you also must avoid evil animate food items while performing
this task, with nothing but your trusty pepper shaker to protect you.
action game similar to Super Pang
Versions of package ceferino |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.97.8+svn37-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.97.8+svn37-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.97.8+svn37-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.97.8+svn37-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.97.8+svn37-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.97.8+svn37-2.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.97.8+svn37-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package ceferino: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
A game similar to 'Super Pang'. You are attacked by little green balls which
are bouncing around and which you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife
however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under
the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn't
just vanish, but breaks apart into two smaller balls. Levels consist of little
platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover
if needed.
fast paced, arcade-style, scrolling space shooter
Versions of package chromium-bsu |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package chromium-bsu: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Chromium is a top down fast paced high action scrolling space shooter.
In this game you are the captain of the cargo ship Chromium B.S.U. and
are responsible for delivering supplies to the troops on the front line.
Your ship has a small fleet of robotic fighters which you control from
the relative safety of the Chromium vessel.
Clowns are trying to pop balloons to score points!
Versions of package circuslinux |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.0.3-33 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0.3-35 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.3-35 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.3-34.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.3-34.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0.3-34 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.0.3-31 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package circuslinux: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
"Circus Linux!" is based on the Atari 2600 game "Circus Atari" by Atari,
released in 1980. Gameplay is similar to "Breakout" and "Arkanoid" - you
slide a device left and right to bounce objects into the air which destroy
a wall.
Shoot-em-up a la galaxian
Versions of package criticalmass |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.0.0-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.0.0-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.0.2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.0.0-6 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.0.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package criticalmass: |
game | arcade |
hardware | opengl |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
criticalmass, aka critter, is a shoot-'em-up in the style of Galaxian with
very colorful and smooth graphics (provided that you have 3d acceleration)
Note: criticalmass uses OpenGL, and will probably not run well if you do
not have a 3d accelerator which is supported by X.
Versions of package cutemaze |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.3.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.3.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.2.6-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.2.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.2.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.1.1-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.3.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
upstream | 1.3.5 |
License: DFSG free
CuteMaze is a simple, top-down game in which mazes are randomly generated
using one of a choice of several different algorithms. You move the character
through the maze while hunting for targets (cheese, by default) -
the game is won once all of these targets have been picked up.
shoot 'em up game where accurate shooting matters
Versions of package dangen |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.5-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.5-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.5-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.5-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.5-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.5-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.5-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package dangen: |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
dangen is a shoot 'em up game that attach importance to accuracy of shooting.
With the combination of the cursor key and the shot button, you can shoot
at your side or even at your back. Get the bonus point by hitting the
enemy without a miss. You can choose stages of different difficulty.
Little shoot-'em-up arcade game for one or two players
Versions of package dodgindiamond2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.2.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 0.2.2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.2.2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.2.2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.2.2-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.2.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.2.2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package dodgindiamond2: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
This aims to be an old school arcade game with low resolution graphics,
top-down scrolling action, energy based gameplay, and different weapons
with several levels of power.
Versions of package epiphany |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.7.0+0-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.7.0+0-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.7.0+0-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.7.0+0-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.7.0+0-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.7.0+0-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.7.0+0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package epiphany: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Epiphany je multiplatformný klon Boulder Dash.
V tejto hre musí hráč pozbierať všetky dostupné minerály roztrúsené v
každej úrovni pričom sa musí vyhýbať rozdrveniu padajúcim balvanom alebo
ešte horšie bombou.
Boulder Dash bol jednou z najlepších hier vytvorených pre Commodore 64.
abstract vertical shooter with two sides to play on
Versions of package excellent-bifurcation |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.0.20071015-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.0.20071015-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.0.20071015-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.0.20071015-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.0.20071015-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.0.20071015-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.0.20071015-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package excellent-bifurcation: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:keyboard |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Excellent Bifurcation is a vertical shooter in which you have two sides
available to play on. Its graphics try to mimic the colours, sounds and
feeling of the 8-bit games.
In the game, you drive two ships at the same time, on two sides of the
screen. The game play is very unique and fun. It might be quite a brain
bender anyway.
Excellent Bifurcation was Linley Henzel's entry in the AutoFire 2007 Shooter
Competition, and finished in 2nd place.
Clone of Paradroid - a strategic shoot-em up
Versions of package freedroid |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.0.2+cvs040112-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.2+cvs040112-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0.2+cvs040112-6 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.2+cvs040112-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.0.2+cvs040112-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.0.2+cvs040112-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package freedroid: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
You must clear a spaceship from all droids. To achieve this your
device will need to take control of more powerful droids, more able
to confront the most powerful ones. But you'll also need to manage
your energy, as you won't be able to control any droid for an
indefinite time, and even your own device has a limited lifetime.
Note that this package is different from the freedroidrpg game,
developed by the same team, and also available in Debian.
na fyzike založená plošinovka
Versions of package freegish |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.53+git20170110+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.53+git20170110+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.53+git20140221+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.53+git20140221+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.53+git20140221+dfsg-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.53+git20170110+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.53+git20170110+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package freegish: |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Greegish je 2D plošinová hra, kde hráč ovláda postavu, ktorá je zhlukom
dechtu. Postava môže byť lepkavá, klzká, ťažká a môže skákať.
Hra obsahuje iba prvých sedem úrovní kampane pre jedného hráča a niekoľko
úrovní pre viacerých hráčov pre hry ako sumo alebo futbal.
Freegish he založený na kóde známej hry Gish uvoľnenom ako open source s
pridanými slobodnými výtvarnými prvkami.
space-flying-mushroom-picking-simulator game
Versions of package funguloids |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.06-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.06-13 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.06-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.06-12 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.06-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
upstream | 1.06-4 |
Debtags of package funguloids: |
game | arcade |
hardware | opengl |
interface | x11 |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
"Those Funny Funguloids!" is actually a nice little piece of entertainment.
You collect mushrooms, bring them back to your home base and profit! That's
the basic idea in a nutshell. It has smooth, appealing 3d graphics and nice
atmospheric sound effects. Go ahead and try it out - it has sounds too!
side scrolling arcade shooter game on a steamboat
Versions of package funnyboat |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.5-11 | all |
buster | 1.5-10 | all |
jessie | 1.5-9 | all |
stretch | 1.5-10 | all |
sid | 1.5-11 | all |
trixie | 1.5-11 | all |
bookworm | 1.5-11 | all |
Debtags of package funnyboat: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Trip on the Funny Boat is a side scrolling arcade shooter game on a
steamboat equipped with a cannon and the ability to jump. The player will
need to take advantage of waves to defeat the enemies and dodge hazards.
abstract vertical shooter with music elements
Versions of package garden-of-coloured-lights |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.0.8-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 1.0.9-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.9-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0.9-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.9-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.9-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.9-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package garden-of-coloured-lights: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
The game is basically a vertical shooter with music elements. The
enemies, in fact, are kind of musical. Linley has added a simple background
tune, that gets mixed with the diffetent notes played when enemies shoot.
Part of what stands out about Garden of Coloured Lights are its graphics,
that even though are kept quite simple, are also carefully taken care of.
Every ship still has moving parts and mechanisms that open and close, and
every level is different, even though all of them share a common theme.
Your ship comes equipped with 3 options, each with its own unique weapon.
There are a few pre-designed schemes to play with, or you can create your
own combination of weapons.
Garden of Coloured Lights was Linley Henzel's entry for the SHMUP-DEV
Competition 2k7 Round 2.
Versions of package gav |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.9.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.9.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.9.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.9.0-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 0.9.0-3.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.9.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.9.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package gav: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
GAV stands for GPL Arcade Volleyball, and is an SDL remake of the old DOS game
Arcade Volleyball. It includes multiplayer, networking, and themeable graphics
More information, as well as additional themes, can be found at
Xenon-like vertical shoot'em-up
Versions of package geki2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.0.3-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.0.3-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.0.8-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 2.0.3-10 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.0.3-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.0.8-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 2.0.3-9 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package geki2: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:keyboard |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Geki 2 is a vertical shoot'em-up game similar to classic arcade games such
as Xenon, Target Renegade or Gunhed. It features six levels and two different
plošinová strieľačka podobná R-Type
Versions of package geki3 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.0.3-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.0.3-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.3-8.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0.3-8.1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.0.3-8.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.3-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.3-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package geki3: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:keyboard |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Geki 3 je plošinová strieľačka podobná klasickým arkádovým hrám ako R-Type
alebo Zero Wing („All Your Base Are Belong To Us“). Obsahuje štyri úrovne a
rozličné zbrane.
Versions of package gltron |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.70final-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.70final-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 0.70final-12.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.70final-12.2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.70final-12.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.70final-12 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 0.70final-12.4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package gltron: |
game | arcade |
hardware | opengl |
interface | 3d |
junior | games-gl |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
glTron is a tron-like lightcycle game with a nice 3D perspective.
3D acceleration is recommended.
game about mania, melancholia, and the creative process
Versions of package gravitation |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 3+dfsg1-4 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 3+dfsg1-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 3+dfsg1-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 3+dfsg1-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 3+dfsg1-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 3+dfsg1-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 3+dfsg1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package gravitation: |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Gravitation is a short, autobiographical pixelated art game by
Jason Rohrer. It is a followup to his previous game, "Passage".
It can be explored in approximately 8 minutes. If in doubt,
please keep playing. If you still don't understand the game,
please read the game creators statement on the website and
the experiences of other people linked from the website.
Versions of package gravitywars |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.102-35 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.102-34 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.102-36 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.102-36 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.102-35 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.102-33 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.102-34 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package gravitywars: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Gravity Wars is inspired by Gravity Force, one of the greatest games
for the Amiga. This version is a little different, with a much higher
resolution, and better graphics.
The aim of the game is to guide a spaceship using only thrust and
orientation to the exit, fighting against gravity and inertia. It
includes some new features like water, exploding doors, bonus objects,
fans (ie. wind), and some other special effects like exploding bullets
and splashing water.
Gravity Wars is no longer maintained upstream and this Debian package
should be considered the current upstream version.
360-degree gunboat shooter
Versions of package gunroar |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.15.dfsg1-7 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.15.dfsg1-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.15.dfsg1-9 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.15.dfsg1-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
bookworm | 0.15.dfsg1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
trixie | 0.15.dfsg1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.15.dfsg1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package gunroar: |
game | arcade |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Gunroar is an excellent shooter in which the game environment turns to be
the sea and your spaceship an armed boat. The player moves around in a
level generated randomly, and containing enemy islands, turrets and
enemy boats) and that never ends. Each enemy killed increments your
points according to the time it took you to destroy it and its size.
Gunroar is another gem among many by Kenta Cho.
pacman-like game, child oriented
Versions of package hannah |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 2.0.1+ds1-0.3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.0.1+ds1-0.3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0-3.3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0-3.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.0-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package hannah: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:keyboard |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Help Hannah's Horse is like a cross between Pacman and the Dizzy game
"Fastfood". The objective is to move Hannah to collect the pills around
the maze while avoiding the ghosts. Moving around the maze there are also
carrots which Hannah must also collect in order to complete the level.
zábavná ťahová delostrelecká hra s bojujúcimi ježkami
Versions of package hedgewars |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch-backports | 0.9.25-5~bpo9+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,i386 |
stretch | 0.9.22-dfsg-11 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.0.2-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,ppc64el |
bookworm | 1.0.2-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,ppc64el |
bullseye-backports | 1.0.2-6~bpo11+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,ppc64el |
bullseye | 1.0.0-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,ppc64el |
buster-backports | 1.0.0-4~bpo10+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,ppc64el |
trixie | 1.0.2-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,ppc64el |
jessie | | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.9.25-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package hedgewars: |
game | arcade, strategy |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | qt, sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Každý hráč ovláda tím niekoľkých ježkov. V priebehu hry sa hráči striedajú
s jedným z ich ježkov. Použijú akékoľvek dostupné nástroje a zbrane, aby
zaútočili a zabili protivníkovych ježkov a tým vyhrali hru. Ježkovia sa
môžu terénom pohybovať rozličnými spôsobmi, bežne kráčaním a skákaním, ale
aj použitím určitých nástrojov ako „lano“ alebo „padák“, aby sa dostali do
inak nedostupných oblastí. Každý ťah je časovo obmedzený, aby bolo
zabezpečené, že hráči nezdržiavajú hru nadmerným premýšľaním alebo pohybom.
Počas hry je hráčom dostupná široká škála nástrojov a zbraní: granát,
kobercová bomba, bazooka, UFO, včela s automatickým navádzaním brokovnica,
Desert Eagle, ohnivý úder, bejzbalová pálka, dynamit, mína, lano,
pneumatické kladivo, padák. Väčšina zbraní pri použití spôsobuje explózie
deformujúce terén, odstraňujúce kruhové kúsky. Krajina je ostrov plávajúci
na vode alebo obmedzená jaskyňa s vodou na dne. Ježko zomrie, keď sa
dostane do vody (buď spadnutím z ostrova alebo dierou v jeho dne), ak je
vyhodený buď bokom arény alebo keď sa jeho zdravie zníži, zvyčajne
kontaktom s výbušninami na nulu (škoda spôsobená kontaktom s výbušninami sa
na obeti prejaví až keď ustane všetok pohyb na bojisku po ťahu hráča či
zbierajte vylepšenia a vyhnite sa stopám vašich súperov
Versions of package heroes |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.21-20 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.21-20 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.21-18 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 0.21-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.21-17 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 0.21-18 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Heroes je podobná klasickým hrám typu Had („Tron“ a „Nibbles“), ale má
mnohé grafické vylepšenia a nové herné možnosti. Musíte v nej manévrovať
malým vozidlom a zbierať vylepšenia, pričom sa vyhýbate prekážkam, stopám
vašich súperov a dokonca aj vlastným stopám.
Je dostupných niekoľko štýlov hry - „získajte všetky bonusy“, „deathmatch“
a „rozdrvte chodcov“. Všetky štýly hry je možné hrať v hre pre jedného
hráča aj pre dvoch hráčov (rozdelená obrazovka).
Ak chcete zvukové efekty, mali by ste si nainštalovať balík
heroes-sound-effects a ak chcete hudbu na pozadí, balík
Versions of package icebreaker |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2.2.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.2.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.21-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.21-12 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.21-11 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 2.2.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
upstream | 2.2.1 |
Debtags of package icebreaker: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
So, uh, there's a bunch of penguins on an iceberg in Antarctica. You have
been selected to catch them so they can be shipped to Finland, where they
are essential to a secret plot for world domination.
In order to trap the penguins, you'll need to break the iceberg into small
chunks. (They're afraid of water, for no apparent reason. Ah well. "The
Matrix" had more plot holes than this, and it still was a hit.) You do
this by melting lines in the ice with Special High-Tech GNU Tools.
Once 80% or more of the iceberg is gone, the remaining chunks are small
enough for shipping. Of course, if you manage to get rid of more than
that, you'll save on postage, thus earning you exponential amounts of Geek
Cred (a.k.a. "score").
Versions of package ii-esu |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.0a.dfsg1-8 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0a.dfsg1-7 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 1.0a.dfsg2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
trixie | 1.0a.dfsg2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0a.dfsg2-0.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
sid | 1.0a.dfsg2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.0a.dfsg1-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package ii-esu: |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Your ship is surrounded by two circles. You shoot in the direction of
your mouse points, and you move if the mouse pointer is outside the
inner circle.
The original name of the game is ES, which is pronounced ii-esu in Japanese.
pekná hra so zajačikmi pre viacerých hráčov
Versions of package jumpnbump |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.60-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.61-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.61-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.61-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.61-3.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.51+dfsg1-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.51+dfsg1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package jumpnbump: |
game | arcade, platform |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Ako zajačik musíš skákať na svojich protihráčov aby vybuchli. Je to
skutočná hra pre viacerých hráčov, nemôžeš ju hrať sám. Dá sa hrať po sieti.
Tento program je unixový port starej hry od brainchilddesign pre DOS.
cute multiplayer platform game with bunnies (extra levels)
Versions of package jumpnbump-levels |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 20191111 | all |
stretch | 20140925 | all |
buster | 20140925 | all |
bullseye | 20191111 | all |
jessie | 20140925 | all |
sid | 20191111 | all |
trixie | 20191111 | all |
Debtags of package jumpnbump-levels: |
game | arcade, platform |
role | app-data |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
You, as a bunny, have to jump on your opponents to make them
explode. It's a true multiplayer game, you can't play this alone.
It has network support.
This package contains fifteen extra levels.
strieľačka s posúvaním v 2D v starom štýle
Versions of package ketm |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.0.6-22 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.0.6-24 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.0.6-25 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.0.6-24 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.0.6-27 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.0.6-27 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.0.6-25 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package ketm: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:keyboard |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Ketm je klasická hra vo vysokom rozlíšení a farbách, ktorá sa podobá hrám
typu Raptor, Tyrian a Galaga. Ste vesmírny pilot ovládajúci váš tajný
prototyp lode. V pravidelných intervaloch na vás útočia nepriatelia.
Vašou misiou je vyčistiť tento sektor od nepriateľov (t.j. zabiť všetko,
čo sa pohne). Nezabudnite po ceste pozbierať vylepšenia zbraní a lode.
Versions of package kobodeluxe |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.5.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.5.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 0.5.1-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.5.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 0.5.1-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.5.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.5.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package kobodeluxe: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Kobo Deluxe je plošinová 2D strieľačka z pohľadu tretej osoby s jednoduchým
a responzívnym ovládaním - ktoré budete potrebovať, aby ste zvládli hromadu
nepriateľských lodí, ktoré na vás strieľajú, naháňajú vás, strieľajúc okolo
vás krúžia, pričom sa pokúšate zničiť základne v tvare labyrintu. V 50
akčných úrovniach s plynule sa zvyšujúcou náročnosťou stretnete rozličné
kombinácie nepriateľov, ktorých zvládnutie bude vyžadovať použitie odlišných
taktík. Je to hromada zábavy v klasickom arkádovom štýle.
arkádová hra pre jedného hráča s vesmírnou žabou Komi!
Versions of package komi |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.04-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.04-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.04-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 1.04-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.04-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.04-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.04-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
upstream | source/1.04/komi-1.04 |
Debtags of package komi: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Komi je vesmírna žaba a vaším cieľom v tejto arkádovej hre pre jedného hráča
je nakŕmiť ju zachytením jedla vaším obrovským jazykom.
Vyhnite sa zasiahnutiu energetických bariér a iných nástrah, keď sa
pokúšate zjesť všetko jedlo.
abstraktná vesmírna akčná hra
Versions of package koules |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.4-23 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.4-28 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.4-22 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.4-28 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.4-25 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.4-27 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.4-28 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package koules: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Koules je rýchla akčná hra v arkádovom štýle. Táto verzia je skompilovaná
pre X11. Má skvelú 256-farebnú grafiku, režim pre viacerých hráčov do 5
hráčov, plný zvuk a samozrejme podporu siete. Koules je originálny nápad.
Prvú verziu Koules vyvinul od základu Jan Hubička v júli 1995.
Podporuje deathmatch a kooperatívnu hru viacerých hráčov.
game of dexterity where you match stones together
Versions of package krank |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.7+dfsg2-3 | all |
jessie | 0.7+dfsg2-3 | all |
bullseye | 0.7+dfsg2-4 | all |
bookworm | 0.7+dfsg2-4 | all |
trixie | 0.7+dfsg2-5 | all |
sid | 0.7+dfsg2-5 | all |
buster | 0.7+dfsg2-3 | all |
Debtags of package krank: |
role | program |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
krank is a game of dexterity, being somewhere between Breakout and billiard,
where the aim of each level is to shove floating stones towards compatible
static stones. You control a short chain of stones with your mouse to achieve
Classic shoot 'em up scroller game
Versions of package kraptor |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.0.20040403-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 0.0.20040403+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.0.20040403+ds-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.0.20040403+ds-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 0.0.20040403-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.0.20040403+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.0.20040403+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package kraptor: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Kraptor is a classic shoot 'em up scroller game, where you must fight
against tons of bad dudes. The game offers high speed action, with massive
destruction and lots of fun. Kraptor features a powerful engine for 2D
shooter scroller games.
After years of oppression, the slaved people of the world have raised
against their masters. You, a mercenary pilot, have been contacted by the
popular rebellion to fight against the forces of oppression. In the morning
you jump into your cockpit and start up the engines. It's time to get airborne
and start the attack. Get ready to defeat the scum hired by the masters.
Fighting for freedom is the only way, you're on a mission, don't defraud us...
jednoduchá hra o zachytávaní gulí
Versions of package late |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.1.0-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.1.0-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.1.0-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.1.0-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.1.0-13 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.1.0-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.1.0-12 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package late: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Toto je jednoduchá a zábavná hra, kde pomocou myši gilotínou uväzňujete
skákajúce gule.
Gule uväzňujete spustením vašej gilotíny, čím rozdeľujete hraciu oblasť na
malé obdĺžniky a po pokrytí dostatočnej plochy obrazovky postupujete do
ďalšej úrovne.
ball-and-paddle game - transitional package
Versions of package lbreakout2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 2.6.4-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 2.6.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2.6.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.6.5+really1.1.9-1 | all |
trixie | 2.6.5+really1.1.9-1 | all |
buster | 2.6.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.6.5-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package lbreakout2: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
LBreakoutHD is a remaster of LBreakout2, a game similar to Breakout
and xboing. The player controls a paddle at the bottom of the screen,
and uses it to bounce one or more balls which destroy bricks; the
paddle can also be used to collect various extras with positive or
negative effects.
This package is a transitional package to upgrade LBreakout2 users to
Versions of package lbreakouthd |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.1.9-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.1.9-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
LBreakoutHD is a remaster of LBreakout2, a game similar to Breakout
and xboing. The player controls a paddle at the bottom of the screen,
and uses it to bounce one or more balls which destroy bricks; the
paddle can also be used to collect various extras with positive or
negative effects.
LBreakoutHD supports all LBreakout2 themes and level sets.
old-school earthworm action game
Versions of package lierolibre |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.5-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.5-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.5-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.5-1 | amd64,i386 |
sid | 0.5-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.5-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package lierolibre: |
uitoolkit | sdl |
License: DFSG free
lierolibre is an old-school earthworm action game. It is a direct fork of
Liero (OpenLiero).
- 2 worms, 40 weapons, great playability, two game modes: Kill'em All and Game
of Tag, plus AI-players without true intelligence!
- Dat nostalgia
- Extensions via a hidden F1 menu
- Replays
- Game controller support
- Powerlevel palettes
- Ability to write game variables to plain text files
- Ability to load game variables from both EXE and plain text files
- New freely licensed audio
- Scripts to extract and repack graphics, sounds and levels
multiplayer cave-flying game
Versions of package luola |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.3.2-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.3.2-10 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.3.2-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.3.2-12 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.3.2-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.3.2-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.3.2-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package luola: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Luola is a 2D arcade game where you fly a small V shaped ship in different
kinds of levels.
Luola's genre "Luolalentely", or cave-flying, has been
very popular in Finland. Although cave-flying games
are not originally from Finland, most new cave-flying
games are.
Versions of package madbomber |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.2.5-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 0.2.5-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.2.5-8.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.2.5-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.2.5-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 0.2.5-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.2.5-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package madbomber: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
„Mad Bomber“ je klon klasickej hry „Kaboom!“ pre konzoly Atari 2600, ktorý
napísal Larry Kaplan a má vylepšenú grafiku, zvukové efekty a hudbu.
Mad Bomber pobehuje po meste a všade púšťa bomby! Vašou prácou je chytiť ho
predtým, než dopadnú na zem a explodujú. Našťastie máte niekoľko dobrých
vedier pomocou ktorých dokážete bomby zneškodniť.
arkádová hra pripomínajúca hru Asteroids
Versions of package maelstrom |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 3.0.7-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 1.4.3-L3.0.6+main-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 3.0.7-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.4.3-L3.0.6+main-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.4.3-L3.0.6+main-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.4.3-L3.0.6+main-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 3.0.7-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package maelstrom: |
game | arcade |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Toto je port arkádovej hry pripomínajúcej hru Asteroids.
Napísal ju Andrew Welch pre Macintosh.
ridiculous space shooter governed by the laws of gravity
License: DFSG free
M.A.R.S is a two-dimensional space shooter game with excellent 2D-graphics, a
stunning amount of particles and shader support. It offers single- and
multiplayer gameplay, many impressive weapons and specials and customizable
In the year 3547 civilizations across the galaxy have settled their own
planets, living in peace and harmony with its environment. But outside the
placid habitats, the GREAT WAR is raging. As a famous fighter on your way to
never ending honor and prosperity, you have to protect your planet from the
imminent doom of your jealous neighbours!
Shoot around obstacles to collect energy using your beam.
Versions of package mirrormagic |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 3.3.0+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 3.3.0+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 3.1.0+dfsg1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 3.0.0+dfsg2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 3.0.0+dfsg2-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
upstream | 3.3.1 |
Debtags of package mirrormagic: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
A game like "Deflektor" (C 64) or "Mindbender" (Amiga).
The goal is to work out how to get around obstacles to shoot
energy containers with your beam, enabling the path to the
next level to be opened. Included are many levels known from
the games "Deflektor" and "Mindbender".
Some features:
- stereo sound effects and music
- music module support for SDL version (Unix/Win32)
- fullscreen support for SDL version (Unix/Win32)
- complete source code included under GNU GPL
Drive a car across the moon
Versions of package moon-buggy |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.0.51-12 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.0.51-10 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.51-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.51-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.51-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.51-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.0.51-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package moon-buggy: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:keyboard |
interface | text-mode |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | ncurses |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Moon-buggy is a simple character graphics game, where you drive some
kind of car across the moon's surface. Unfortunately there are
dangerous craters there. Fortunately your car can jump over them!
game based on the classic moon lander
Versions of package moon-lander |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.0-7 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.0-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.0-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.0-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package moon-lander: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:keyboard |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Moonlander is a fun and enjoyable modern graphical version (with
sound) of the classic moonlander game. The objective is to land
your rocketship safely using a limited amount of fuel while
fighting gravity.
Simple game of ball chasing
Versions of package mousetrap |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.0c-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0c-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0c-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0c-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.0c-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.0c-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.0c-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package mousetrap: |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
This is a simple game in which the player moves their character
to capture the white balls while avoiding the red ones.
Versions of package mrboom |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 4.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 5.2+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 5.2+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 5.5+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 5.5+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
This is an SDL2 version of the original 1999 version of Mr. Boom. The goal of
the game is to bomb away your enemies and other players.
Mr Rescue is an arcade 2d action game
Versions of package mrrescue |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.02e-3 | all |
bullseye | 1.02e-1 | all |
buster | 1.02e-1 | all |
stretch | 1.02c-2 | all |
trixie | 1.02e-3 | all |
sid | 1.02e-3 | all |
License: DFSG free
Mr. Rescue is an arcade styled 2d action game centered around evacuating
civilians from burning buildings. The game features fast paced fire
extinguishing action, intense boss battles, a catchy soundtrack and lots of
throwing people around in pseudo-randomly generated buildings.
physics centipede invasion, smashup waggly shmup
Versions of package mu-cade |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.11.dfsg1-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.11.dfsg1-11 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.11.dfsg1-12 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.11.dfsg1-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
bookworm | 0.11.dfsg1-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
trixie | 0.11.dfsg1-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.11.dfsg1-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package mu-cade: |
game | arcade |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Mu-cade is another shoot-em-up game by Kenta Cho. In this game Kenta has
introduced physics into his formula of hardcore shooting games. Similar
in some ways to Asteroids and Nibbles, the playing area is a rectangular
arena in which vessel-snakes have only one idea at the head: expelling
the others into the vacuum. You incarnate one of them, and you'll quickly
realize the subtlety of the goal: your tail lengthens as you destroy your
3-D Multiplayer Combat Game
Versions of package netmaze |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.81+jpg0.82-19 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.81+jpg0.82-16.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.81+jpg0.82-16 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.81+jpg0.82-16 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 0.81+jpg0.82-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.81+jpg0.82-14.1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 0.81+jpg0.82-19 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package netmaze: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:keyboard |
interface | 3d, x11 |
network | client, server |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
This is a 3-D multiplayer game for X. You can play by
yourself, use computerized players ("bots"), or you can
use a TCP/IP network and play against other players.
Be sure to read the documentation that will be
installed in /usr/share/doc/netmaze/README.Debian
3D hra s nakláňaním podlahy
Versions of package neverball |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.6.0+git20180603-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.6.0-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.6.0-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.6.0+git20180603-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.6.0+git20180603-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.6.0+git20180603-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.6.0+git20180603-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package neverball: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:joystick, input:mouse |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
V tradícii hier Marble Madness a Super Monkey Ball, aj v Neverball vediete
guľu naprieč nebezpečným teritóriom. Udržujte rovnováhu na úzkych mostoch,
hľadajte cestu v bludiskách, vezte sa na pohybujúcich sa platformách,
vyhýbajte sa odtlačovaniu a dostaňte sa do cieľa. Súťažte na čas a zbierajte
mince, aby ste zarobili ďalšie gule.
pacman-like game with multiplayer support
Versions of package njam |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.25-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.25-10 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.25-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.25-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.25-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.25-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.25-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package njam: |
game | arcade |
interface | svga, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Njam is a pacman-like game with many features, including networked
multiplayer mode. It is available on many platforms.
- Single and multiplayer mode (local or network)
- Cooperative and competetive multiplayer modes
- Customizable level skins
- Many different levels
- Integrated level editor
- Great music and sound effects
Versions of package noiz2sa |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.51a-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.51a-10.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 0.51a-10.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.51a-9 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 0.51a-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.51a-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 0.51a-10.1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package noiz2sa: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
A classical vertical arcade shooter with an abstract theme and
matching electronic music
Versions of package open-invaders |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.3-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.3-4.1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.3-4.3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.3-4.3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.3-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.3-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.3-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package open-invaders: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:keyboard |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Space Invaders is one of the earliest arcade shoot 'em up games.
The player can move horizontally across the bottom of the screen
and must shoot at an incoming wave of aliens before they reach
the bottom.
Open Invaders is a clone of the legendary 70's classic, but with
completely new graphics, several bonus levels, etc.
ostreľovacia hra zo statelitu, proti teroristom, za eunuchov
Versions of package orbital-eunuchs-sniper |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.30+svn20070601-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.30+svn20070601-4.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.30+svn20070601-4.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.30+svn20070601-4.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.30+svn20070601-4 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.30+svn20070601-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.30+svn20070601-4.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package orbital-eunuchs-sniper: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Orbital Eunuchs Sniper je strieľačka s pohľadom zhora. Vy (eunuch na
orbitálnej laserovej stanici) máte za úlohu chrániť VIP (modrí) od
teroristov (červení).
arkádová hra s obojsmerným posúvaním
Versions of package overgod |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.0-4.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.0-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.0-4 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package overgod: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
scope | application |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Overgod je arkádová hra s obojsmerným posúvaním, kde musíte zničiť všetkých
nepriateľov v oblasti za danú dobu. Hra je zmesou klasických arkádových hier
Asteroids a Thrust s mnohými ďalšími vlastnosťami.
Overgod je tiež možné hrať v režime duel alebo spolupráce dvoch hráčov alebo
v špeciálnej verzii „Time Attack“, kde sa objavujú nepriatelia donekonečna.
naháňačka so strašidlami v labyrinte
Versions of package pacman |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 10-17 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 10-20 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 10-20 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 10-19 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 10-18 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 10-17.2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 10-17.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package pacman: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:keyboard |
interface | text-mode, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | ncurses |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Ste Pacman, za úlohu máte jesť malé bodky aby ste sa dostali na ďalšiu
úroveň. Tiež sa musíte držať ďalej od duchov, ktorí ak vás dobehnú,
odoberú vám jeden život ak ste nezjedli veľkú bodku, ktorá vám na
obmedzený čas umožňuje naháňať a požierať duchov. Na obmedzenú dobu je
dostupný aj bonus. X dáva iba body, ale malý pacman dáva život naviac.
action game that involves popping balloons with a harpoon
Versions of package pangzero |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.4.1+git20121103-6 | all |
sid | 1.4.1+git20121103-6 | all |
jessie | 1.4.1+git20121103-1 | all |
stretch | 1.4.1+git20121103-3 | all |
bookworm | 1.4.1+git20121103-6 | all |
bullseye | 1.4.1+git20121103-5 | all |
buster | 1.4.1+git20121103-4 | all |
Debtags of package pangzero: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:joystick, input:keyboard |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Pang Zero is a clone and enhancement of Super Pang, a fast-paced action
game that involves popping balloons with a harpoon.
The intention is to create a fun, open-source game that many (currently
up to 6) people can play together. You can play Pang Zero alone, but it's
a lot more fun to play with your friends.
retromodern hispeed shmup
Versions of package parsec47 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.2.dfsg1-9 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.2.dfsg1-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
bookworm | 0.2.dfsg1-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
stretch | 0.2.dfsg1-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 0.2.dfsg1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.2.dfsg1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.2.dfsg1-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
upstream | 0.21 |
Debtags of package parsec47: |
game | arcade |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
PARSEC47 is a retromodern hi-speed shoot 'em up where you get to defeat
retro enemies modernly. The player must destroy enemies while avoiding
their projectiles and collecting green clusters of boxes for points.
PARSEC47 is another gem among many by Kenta Cho.
game about the passage through life
Versions of package passage |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 4+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 4+dfsg1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 4+dfsg1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 4+dfsg1-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 4+dfsg1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 4+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 4+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package passage: |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Passage is a short, autobiographical pixelated art game by
Jason Rohrer. It can be explored in approximately 5 minutes.
Passage is meant to be memento mori game. If you enjoy the
game, you may want to try the followup, "Gravitation". If
you do not, please read the game creators statement on the
website and the experiences of other people linked from the
2D Oldschool platform game where you control a rooster
Versions of package pekka-kana-2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.4.5+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.2.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.4.5+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.2.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Your mission in Pekka Kana 2 is to save Pekka's chicken friends
from an evil crow.
The simple goal in each level is to find the exit sign, which is usually
not that simple as it sounds because of enemies, traps, and quirky puzzles.
Versions of package penguin-command |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.6.11-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 1.6.11-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.6.11-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.6.11-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.6.11-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.6.11-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.6.11-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package penguin-command: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
This is a clone of the classic "Missile Command" Game,
but it has better graphics and music. You have to
defend cities by shooting at missiles, flyers and
smart bombs.
karaoke game that allows user supplied songs
Versions of package performous |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.3.0+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 1.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.1+git20181118-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.1+git20181118-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1+git20181118-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.3.0+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.7.0+git20140715-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
upstream | 1.3.1 |
Debtags of package performous: |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk, sdl |
License: DFSG free
A karaoke, band and dancing game where one or more players perform a song
and the game scores their performances. Supports songs in UltraStar,
Frets on Fire and StepMania formats. Microphones and instruments from
SingStar, Guitar Hero and Rock Band as well as some dance pads are
Learn the piano just by playing a game
Versions of package pianobooster |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.0.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 0.6.7~svn156-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.0.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 0.6.7~svn156-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.6.4b-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package pianobooster: |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
sound | midi |
uitoolkit | qt |
use | gameplaying |
works-with | music-notation |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
A MIDI file player/game that displays the musical notes AND teaches you how
to play the piano.
PianoBooster is a fun way of playing along with a musical accompaniment and
at the same time learning the basics of reading musical notation.
The difference between playing along to a CD or a standard MIDI file
is that PianoBooster listens and reacts to what you are playing on a
MIDI keyboard.
To run Piano Booster you need a MIDI Piano Keyboard and a MIDI interface
for the PC. If you don't have a MIDI keyboard you can still try out
PianoBooster, using the PC keyboard ('x' is middle C), but a MIDI piano
is really recommended.
Versions of package pinball |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.3.20201218-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.3.1-13.2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.3.1-13.6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.3.1-14.1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.3.20230219-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.3.20201218-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.3.20230219-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package pinball: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
The Emilia Pinball Project is a pinball simulator for GNU/Linux and other Unix
systems. There are only two levels to play with, but they are very addictive.
You can play with two types of boards and keep high scores.
Works with OpenGL and needs hardware acceleration. See requeriments
on README file.
GNU Pinball table for emilia pinball
Versions of package pinball-table-gnu |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.0.20200601-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.0.20230219-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.0.20200601-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.0.20230219-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Another pinball table to have fun, behaviour plugin.
The table is dedicated to GNU project.
It features multiballs, magnets and bumpers.
HURD Pinball table for emilia pinball
Versions of package pinball-table-hurd |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.0.20230219-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.0.20201119-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.0.20201119-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.0.20230219-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Another pinball table to have fun, behaviour plugin.
The table is dedicated to GNU/Hurd project.
It features shoot cave, multiballs, ramps and bumpers.
Versions of package plee-the-bear |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.6.0-3.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.6.0-3.1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.6.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.6.0-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.6.0-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.6.0-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.6.0-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package plee-the-bear: |
game | arcade, demos |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Plee the Bear will be a 2D platform game like those found on consoles in
the beginning of the 90's. The basis of the scenario fit in few lines:
4 PM or so, Plee wakes up, tired. He has dreamed again about that awesome
period when he went across the entire world together with his belle. He puts
his leg in the honey pot... empty! Moreover every single honey pot in the
house is empty. "One more trick of that kid", he thinks. "I'm going to give
him such a wallop of which he sure will remember".
Following honey drops on the ground, Plee reaches the edge of the forest.
Beginning of the game.
The current version is a demo.
Remake of old arcade classic in OpenGL
Versions of package pong2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.1.3-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 0.1.3-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.1.3-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.1.3-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.1.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.1.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.1.3-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package pong2: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:mouse, opengl |
interface | 3d, x11 |
network | client, server |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Pong2 is an up till now two player (networked) game inspired
by the classical "Pong" from Amiga, which adds another
dimension to the playing field. It makes use of features found
on modern 3d graphics cards, so decent hardware is a requirement.
It also has multiplayer support! 2 players can play against
each other via network.
vertical shoot 'em up with colourful 3D graphics
Versions of package powermanga |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.93-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.93.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.93.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.93.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.93.1-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.93.1-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.93.1-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package powermanga: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Powermanga is a shoot 'em up with 60 different enemies, 40 meteors, numerous
weapons, many end of level baddies, spaceship power-ups and lots of other
Versions of package projectl |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.001.dfsg1-7 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.001.dfsg1-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 1.001.dfsg1-9 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.001.dfsg2-0.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
bookworm | 1.001.dfsg2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
trixie | 1.001.dfsg2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.001.dfsg2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package projectl: |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Mechanika meča je v tejto hre všetkým. Váš meč sa otáča preč od smeru,
ktorým sa pohybuje vaša loď a tým reže rozličných nepriateľov.
vertical shoot'em-up similar to Raptor: Call of the Shadows
Versions of package rafkill |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.2.2-4 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 1.2.2-6 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.2.2-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.2.2-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.2.2-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.2.2-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 1.2.2-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package rafkill: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Rafkill is a clone of Raptor: Call of the Shadows, a classic shoot'em-up game.
You have a bird's eye view of the playing field, which is an alien world,
and your job is to destroy the enemies that are flying towards you shooting
bullets. The score lets you buy life, shield, better weapons or even new
Rafkill features three spaceships, more than twenty weapons, colourful
graphics with transparency effects, music and sound.
toy train simulation game
Versions of package ri-li |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.0.1+ds-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.0.1+ds-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.0.1+ds-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 2.0.1+ds-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 3.1.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 3.1.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.0.1+ds2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 3.1.5 |
Debtags of package ri-li: |
game | puzzle, strategy, toys |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying, learning |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Ri-li is a game in which you drive a wooden toy steam locomotive across many
levels and collect all the coaches to win.
It features:
- a colorful animated wooden steam locomotive;
- 50 game levels;
- 3 beautiful tunes and many sound effects;
- 14 languages (Arabic, Breton, Chinese, English, Esperanto, French,
German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, and
let naprieč poľom asteroidov s vyhýbaním sa skalám a greeblies
Versions of package rockdodger |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.1.4-3.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.1.4-3.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 1.0.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.9.2-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 1.1.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.1.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package rockdodger: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Rock Dodger je horizontálna plošinovka, v ktorej riadite vesmírnu loď
naprieč poľom skál letiacich sprava. Vašou jedinou pomôckou je laser na
ničenie skál a obmedzené množstvo štítu. Táto hra sa jednu dobu umiestnila
na 4. mieste hernej súťaže NoStarch.
arcade-style space shooting game
Versions of package rrootage |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.23a-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.23a-9 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.23a-12 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.23a-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.23a-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.23a-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.23a-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package rrootage: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
rRootage is an arcade-style vertical shooting game, with music to match.
Avoid the barrage of bullets and destroy the enemy's battle ship with your
laser. rRootage has 40 levels, each playable in four different modes.
rRootage was created by Kenta Cho.
3D delostrelecká hra podobná Scorched Earth
Versions of package scorched3d |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 43.3.d+dfsg-1.1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 44+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 44+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 44+dfsg-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 44+dfsg-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 44+dfsg-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 44+dfsg-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package scorched3d: |
game | arcade |
hardware | opengl |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl, wxwidgets |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Scorched3D je hra založená do veľkej miery na klasickej „matke všetkých
hier“ Scorched Earth pre DOS. Scorched3D pridáva okrem iných vlastností 3D
prostredie ostrova a hru cez internet a lokálnu sieť.
hra s búraním tehál v štýle DX-Ball/Arkanoid
Versions of package sdl-ball |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.01-4 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.04+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.02-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.02-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.04+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.02-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.01-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package sdl-ball: |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Cieľom hry je prebúrať sa sériou postupne sa sťažujúcich a náročnejších
úrovní. Ako nástroje máte k dispozícii ultrakinetické titánové gule a váš
spoľahlivý Gruntmazter-3000-Paddle.
Versions of package snake4 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.0.14-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.0.14-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.14-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.14-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.14-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.14-1.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.0.14-1.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package snake4: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | athena |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
This is a basic but nice implementation of the snake game. The objective
is to "snake around" and eat fruit, while avoiding the evil headbanger
and not crashing into your tail.
Features five levels of difficulty and a site-wide high score list.
Collect the boxes and don't become mad
Versions of package solarwolf |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.5+dfsg1-3 | all |
jessie | 1.5-2 | all |
stretch | 1.5-2.2 | all |
buster | 1.5-2.2 | all |
sid | 1.5+dfsg1-6 | all |
trixie | 1.5+dfsg1-6 | all |
bookworm | 1.5+dfsg1-6 | all |
Debtags of package solarwolf: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Solarwolf is an action/arcade game written entirely in Python,
featuring amazing graphics and cool music.
It is originally based on the SolarFox game on the Atari 2600.
All this, yet the best feature of all is; it is a hecka lotta fun!
The point of the game is to scramble through 60 levels of patterns,
collecting all the boxes. The part that makes it tricky is avoiding
the relentless hailstorm of fire coming at you from all directions.
port of the 1980's side-scrolling WWI dogfighting game
Versions of package sopwith |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.7.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.8.4-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.8.4-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.8.3-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.8.4-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.1.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.7.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package sopwith: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
This is an updated version of the 1980's game developed by David L. Clark of
BMB Compuscience Canada. It has been adapted to run under *nix using the SDL
toolkit. Poor graphics, stupid AI, and horrible sound await you. The gameplay
is simple, addictive, and fun. A `side-scroller', you pilot your biplane
across a static field, destroying enemy encampments and planes.
third person shooter in pseudo-3D
Versions of package spacearyarya |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.0.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.0.2-7 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.2-7.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0.2-7.1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.0.2-7.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.2-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package spacearyarya: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Space Aryarya is a third person shoot'em-up similar to classic arcade games
such as Afterburner or Star Fox, where you control a jetpack-carrying fighter
and need to destroy all baddies.
Tiny abstract black and white 2D cave-shooter
Versions of package spout |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.4-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.4-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.4-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.4-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.4-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package spout: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
This is a small, abstract shooting game from Japanese developer Kuni. It is a
'caveflier' in which the exhaust from the engine also serves as a tool to
erode the cave walls.
Your goal is to fly upwards as long as you possibly can, without crashing
against the cave walls and the window borders.
2D scrolling shooter game
Versions of package starfighter |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.2-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 2.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.6-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2.3.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package starfighter: |
uitoolkit | sdl |
License: DFSG free
After decades of war one company, who had gained powerful supplying both
sides with weaponry, steps forwards and crushes both warring factions
in one swift movement. Using far superior weaponry and AI craft, the
company was completely unstoppable and now no one can stand in their
way. Thousands began to perish under the iron fist of the company. The
people cried out for a saviour, for someone to light this dark hour...
and someone did.
Features of the game:
- 26 missions over 4 star systems
- Primary and Secondary Weapons (including a laser cannon and a charge weapon)
- A weapon powerup system
- Wingmates
- Missions with Primary and Secondary Objectives
- A Variety of Missions (Protect, Destroy, etc)
- Boss battles
2D vesmírna arkádová hra s tematikou Star Trek - spustiteľný súbor
Versions of package starvoyager |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.4.4-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.4.4-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.4.4-5.1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.4.4-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.4.4-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.4.4-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.4.4-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package starvoyager: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Star Voyager je hra triedy Frontier/Elite v arkádovejšom 2D prostredí s
tematikou Star Trek. Kvôli portabilite používa knižnicu SDL.
Versions of package supertransball2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.5-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 1.5-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.5-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.5-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.5-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.5-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.5-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package supertransball2: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Super Transball 2 is a game which was inspired by ZARA THRUSTA for the Amiga
500. In each level the goal is to find the SPHERE, to capture it and to carry
it to the upper part of the level. The main challenge is the gravity that
attracts your ship which makes it inevitable to control the ship's thrust.
Many other obstacles like cannons, tanks, doors or lasers will also try to
make your journey difficult and don't be wasteful with your thrusters and
weapons or you will run out of fuel in no time.
klasická 2D plošinová skákačka s Tuxom
Versions of package supertux |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.6.3-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.1.3-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 0.6.3-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.6.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.6.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.6.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.5.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package supertux: |
game | arcade, platform |
hardware | input:joystick |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
SuperTux je klasická 2D plošinová skákacia hra v podobnom štýle ako
pôvodné hry SuperMario. Hráte v úlohe tučniaka Tuxa, ktorý musí zachrániť
Penny z rúk zlého Noloka.
pointing STG shooter game
Versions of package tatan |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.0.dfsg2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.dfsg2-0.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
sid | 1.0.dfsg2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.0.dfsg1-8 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.dfsg1-7 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.0.dfsg2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.0.dfsg1-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package tatan: |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Tatan is a shooter game with simplified controls: use the mouse to aim and
shoot, and the space bar to toggle your position. You have to collect the
yellow stars (or shoot the white ones circumscribed in spheres) for
The game is played in some sort of quantum universe, and you are either
positioned on the left or the right.
breaking block game ported from the Amiga platform
Versions of package tecnoballz |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.93.1-4+deb8u1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.93.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.93.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.93.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.93.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.93.1-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.93.1-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package tecnoballz: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
This is a Breakout or Arkanoid like game with a lot of bonus
stages. You can buy weapons and bonus between stages.
Sometimes you have to defeat a guardian.
This game is written in C++ and uses the SDL library.
online 2D platformová strieľačka pre viacerých hráčov
Versions of package teeworlds |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.7.5-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster-security | 0.7.2-5+deb10u1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.7.2-5+deb10u1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 0.6.2+dfsg-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 0.7.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch-backports | 0.7.2-2~bpo9+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.7.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.7.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package teeworlds: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:keyboard, input:mouse, opengl |
interface | x11 |
network | client |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Tento balík obsahuje klientský spustiteľný súbor Teeworlds.
Hra má komiksovú grafiku a fyziku, a spolieha sa na klasický strieľačkový
štýl hry a zbrane. Ovládanie je do veľkej miery inšpirované žánrom
počítačových strieľačiek.
hard-core shoot 'em up game in blue-or-red world
Versions of package tenmado |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.10-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.10-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.10-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.10-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.10-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.10-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 0.10-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package tenmado: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
tenmado is a vertically scrolling, late 1990s style (that is, a massive
number of enemy shots against a smaller-than-it-looks spaceship) shoot 'em
up game. A very accurate collision detection makes it a game of
dexterity. If something looks like a triangle, it is a triangle, not
a rectangle of similar size.
However, surviving is only 20% of the game. The main feature of tenmado
is the "color chain bonus". You can get a very big score (about 100 times
bigger than a normal enemy-destruction point) by destroying enemies of
the same color successively. It is easy or difficult depending on how
greedy you are.
strike down super high-velocity swooping insects
Versions of package titanion |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.3.dfsg1-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.3.dfsg1-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.3.dfsg1-7 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.3.dfsg1-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
sid | 0.3.dfsg1-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.3.dfsg1-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.3.dfsg1-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
Debtags of package titanion: |
game | arcade |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Titanion is an abstract shooter game. While you fire with one button, the
other one acts as a tractor ray to attract the enemies and take them to
the combat line. The game in itself is quite simple, but with such
graphics and playability that it's worth a try.
Titanion is another gem among many by Kenta Cho.
Nemám rajčiny - hra s rozbíjaním rajčín
Versions of package tomatoes |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.55-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.55-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.55-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.55-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.55-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.55-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.55-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package tomatoes: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Nemám rajčiny (I Have No Tomatoes) je myšlienka extrémnej voľnočasovej
aktivity, ktorá ústi do nasledovnej otázky: Koľko rajčín dokážete rozbiť za
desať krátkych minút? Ak chcete zabiť čas, táto hra má zeleninu, ktorá čaká
na zničenie.
speeding ship sailing through barrage
Versions of package torus-trooper |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.22.dfsg1-9 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.22.dfsg1-11 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.22.dfsg1-12 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.22.dfsg1-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
sid | 0.22.dfsg1-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.22.dfsg1-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.22.dfsg1-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
Debtags of package torus-trooper: |
game | arcade |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Torus Trooper is a fast-paced abstract scrolling shooter game. It
features 3D graphics and a style similar to that of games such as
Torus Trooper is another gem among many by Kenta Cho.
OpenGL-based game of steering a marble through a labyrinth
Versions of package trackballs |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.3.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.3.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.3.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.3.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.3.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package trackballs: |
game | puzzle |
hardware | opengl |
interface | 3d |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | editing, gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Trackballs is a simple game similar to the classical game Marble Madness
on the Amiga in the 80's. By steering a marble ball through a labyrinth
filled with vicious hammers, pools of acid and other obstacles the
player collects points. When the ball reaches the destination it continues
at the next, more difficult level - unless the time runs out.
This game is not intended to be a replica of Marble Madness but rather
inspired by it. The game is also highly configurable by using a
scripting extension (Guile) and it provides a simple editor by which new
levels can easily be created.
retro-style, abstract 2D shooter
Versions of package transcend |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.3.dfsg2-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 0.3.dfsg2-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.3.dfsg2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.3.dfsg2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.3.dfsg2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.3.dfsg2-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.3.dfsg2-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package transcend: |
game | arcade |
hardware | opengl |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | glut |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Transcend can best be described as retro-style, abstract 2-D shooter. The
graphics are geometrical, and the pace is sometimes frenzied.
Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic
graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from one complex shape to
another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with
subtle randomizations makes each play through a Transcend level visually
different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical
power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously
assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging a unique piece of
music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either
as a game or as a multimedia sculpture.
side-scrolling dogfighting game
Versions of package triplane |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.0.8-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.8-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0.8-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.8-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0.8-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.0.8-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.0.8-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package triplane: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:joystick, input:keyboard |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
scope | application |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Triplane Classic is a side-scrolling dogfighting game featuring solo
missions and multiplayer mode with up to four players. It is a port
of the original Triplane Turmoil game for DOS and aims to match the
original game exactly so that high scores remain comparable to the
Versions of package tumiki-fighters |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.2.dfsg1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.2.dfsg1-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.2.dfsg1-9 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.2.dfsg1-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
sid | 0.2.dfsg1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.2.dfsg1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
stretch | 0.2.dfsg1-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
upstream | 0.21 |
Debtags of package tumiki-fighters: |
game | arcade |
interface | 3d |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Tumiki Fighters brings a different twist to the side-scrolling shooter genre.
With simple 3D graphics, the player has to control a ship and shoot down the
enemies. The player can swoop in and attach the wreckage to its own hull for
bonus points and protection from enemy attacks. .
Tumiki Fighters is another gem among many by Kenta Cho.
matematická hra pre deti s Tuxom
Versions of package tuxmath |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 2.0.3-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.0.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.0.3-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 2.0.3-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.0.3-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2.0.3-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package tuxmath: |
field | mathematics |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying, learning |
License: DFSG free
„TuxMath“ je vzdelávacia arkádová hra s Tuxom, maskotom Linuxu v hlavnej
úlohe. Na základe klasickej arkádovej hry „Missile Command“ musí Tux brániť
svoje mestá. V tomto prípade to však robí riešením matematických príkladov.
air hockey game for single players
Versions of package tuxpuck |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.8.2-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 0.8.2-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.8.2-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.8.2-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.8.2-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.8.2-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.8.2-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package tuxpuck: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
TuxPuck is an air hockey game and clone of the Amiga/Atari ST game Shufflepuck
Café. The player moves a bat around a table and tries to knock the puck past
the opponent's defense. After either party has reached 15 points, the match is
vzdelávacia hra písanie na stroji s Tuxom
Versions of package tuxtype |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.8.3-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.8.3-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.8.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.8.3-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.8.3-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.8.3-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.8.3-5.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package tuxtype: |
game | arcade, typing |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying, learning |
License: DFSG free
TuxTyping je vzdelávacia hra s výukou písania na stroji s linuxovým
tučniakom Tux. Hráč sa snaží viesť Tuxa tak, aby zjedol ryby, ktoré
padajú z hornej časti obrazovky. Každá ryba má na sebe nejaké písmeno.
Akonáhle hráč toto písmeno stlačí, Tux sa premiestni tak, aby túto rybu
zjedol. Cieľom hry je naučiť deti písať na klávesnici, ale obsahuje aj
náročné úrovne, ktoré zvládnu len tí najpokročilejší pisári.
Versions of package val-and-rick |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.1a.dfsg1-6 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.1a.dfsg1-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 0.1a.dfsg1-4 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.1a.dfsg1-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.1a.dfsg1-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.1a.dfsg1-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
bullseye | 0.1a.dfsg1-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,s390x |
Debtags of package val-and-rick: |
game | arcade |
interface | 3d |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Val & Rick je pravdepodobne predchodcom Gunroar, ktorý má rovnaké
ovládanie, ale odohráva sa v inom prostredí. Iba 2D sprity a pozadia sa
používajú v zdanlivej pocte hrám Xevious a Star Soldier.
Val & Rick je ďalší z mnohých klenotov, ktorých autorom je Kenta Cho.
vector-based rock-shooting
Versions of package vectoroids |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.1.0-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1.0-16 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.1.0-16 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.1.0-16 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.1.0-15 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.1.0-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.1.0-13 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
upstream | 1.1.2 |
Debtags of package vectoroids: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
"Vectoroids" is a vector-based rock-shooting game similar to the
arcade classic "Asteroids."
Pilot a spaceship and destroy asteroids by shooting them into smaller and
smaller pieces while trying to avoid being smashed or shot by UFOs.
"Vectoroids" is an SDL game based on the source for
"Agendaroids," an X-Window game written for the Agenda VR3 Linux-based PDA
written by the same author.
hra o vírusoch vnikajúcich do vášho počítača
Versions of package viruskiller |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.03-1+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.03-1+dfsg1-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.03-1+dfsg1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.03-1+dfsg1-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.03-1+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.03-1+dfsg1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.03-1+dfsg1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package viruskiller: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
security | antivirus |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Prenikli do vášho počítača! Tucty malých vírusov pretekajú bezpečnostnými
dierami v programoch Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Outlook,
Microsoft MSN Messenger a Microsoft Kôš! Pomocou svojej vernej myši musíte
túto háveď postrieľať než zničia vaše súbory! Niektoré ich ukradnú z
domovských adresárov a vezmú si ich späť do svojej bezpečnostnej diery. Iné
ich na mieste zožerú! Skúste ako dlho dokážete vy a váš počítač prežiť tento
Snake-like game with line of people running around to get more food
Versions of package vonsh |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.0 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0+ds-0.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.0+ds-0.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Player has to pick up foodstuffs appearing randomly on the board,
and avoid colliding with obstacles and the line itself. With each picked up
food item, line grows in length, new obstacles appear,
and difficulty explodes ;). Game is based on libSDL.
2D action game about dodging rocks in space
Versions of package vor |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.5.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.5.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.5.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.5.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.5.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.5.7-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package vor: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
VoR is a simple, fast-paced action game that will challenge your reflexes. It
has excellent gameplay, great physics, good graphics, and a retro/synthoid
thumpy beat to help put you in the mood for old-school 2D gaming.
ťahová delostrelecká hra na 2D mapách
Versions of package warmux |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 11.04.1+repack2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 11.04.1+repack2-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 11.04.1+repack2-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 11.04.1+repack2-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 11.04.1+repack2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 11.04.1+repack2-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 11.04.1+repack2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package warmux: |
game | arcade, strategy |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
scope | application |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
WarMUX je slobodná hra žánru „ťahová delostrelecká hra“ ako Scorched Earth
alebo Worms.
Môže ju hrať niekoľko hráčov, buď lokálne alebo po sieti. Tiež je možné
súťažiť proti tímu ovládanému počítačom. Štýly tímov zodpovedajú maskotom
rôznych projektov slobodného softvéru.
Versions of package wing |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.7-33 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.7-31 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.7-31 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.7-30 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.7-30 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 0.7-33 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.7-32 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package wing: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
WING is a galaga knock-off arcade game. It features high quality
pre-rendered graphics, dynamically generated stars in background, single
player game against computer controlled opponents, 6 levels of play,
digital sound effects, digital music streams, and a high score list.
implementation of the arcade classic Puzznic
Versions of package wizznic |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.9.2-preview2+dfsg-1.1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 0.9.9+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.9.9+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.9.2-preview2+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.9.2-preview2+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.9.9+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.9.9+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package wizznic: |
game | arcade, puzzle |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
As in the original game your mission is to clear the level of
bricks. This is done by moving the bricks around. When two or
more bricks of the same kind are next to each other or on top
of each other they will disappear and points will be given.
The level has to be clear of bricks before the time runs out
or you will lose a life.
retro-styled side-scrolling shoot'em up arcade game
Versions of package wordwarvi |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.0.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.0.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.00+dfsg1-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.00+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.00+dfsg1-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 1.0.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package wordwarvi: |
uitoolkit | gtk |
License: DFSG free
Word War vi is your basic side-scrolling shoot 'em up '80s style arcade
game. You pilot your "vi"per craft through core memory, rescuing lost .swp
files, avoiding OS defenses, and wiping out those memory hogging emacs
Includes support for joysticks with force-feedback.
zbavte sa vírusov Wingdows!
Versions of package xbill |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 2.1-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.1-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 2.1-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.1-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 2.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 2.1-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package xbill: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
security | antivirus |
uitoolkit | athena |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Mali ste niekedy pocit, že sa nič nedarí? Ste správca systémov a niekto sa
pokúša zničiť vaše počítače. Postavičky pobiehajúce po obrazovke sa pokúšajú
infikovať vaše počítače vírusom Wingdows [TM], ktorý je šikovne navrhnutý
tak, aby pripomínal populárny operačný systém. Vaším cieľom je kliknúť na ne
myšou a ukončiť tak ich potenciálnu hrozbu. Ak jedna s postavičiek príde k
počítaču, pokúsi sa nahradiť váš operačný systém za vírus, ktorý nesie.
Potom sa pokúsi opustiť obrazovky s vaším dôležitým softvérom.
multiplayer blast-the-others game inspired by Dynablaster
Versions of package xblast-tnt |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 2.10.4-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 2.10.4-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 2.10.4-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.10.4-4.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.10.4-4.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2.10.4-4.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.10.4-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package xblast-tnt: |
game | arcade |
hardware | input:joystick |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
scope | application |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
XBlast is a multi-player arcade game inspired by the video/computer game
Bomberman (Dynablaster).
- 2 to 6 players
- 1 or 2 players per X-Server (or up to 6 with joysticks)
- about 1000 levels
- about 20 player models
- PoV-Ray rendered color graphics
- central server support with statistics
If you want to host games you need to install the xblast-tnt-levels package,
and you might want to install xblast-tnt-sounds for sound support. The
xblast-tnt-musics package contains background musics for the game, if you
A violent side-scrolling game for X
Versions of package xevil |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.02r2-10.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.02r2-10.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.02r2-10.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 2.02r2-10 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 2.02r2-10.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package xevil: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
XEvil is a 3rd person, side-view, fast-action,
kill-them-before-they-kill-you game. Fight against either
computer-controlled enemies, or another player.
You sinned in life. And now you must pay. Satan pits the recently
deceased against each other to fight for rank in Hell. Your skill
determines your fate for all eternity. This contest is known as XEvil.
verzia slávnej hry Galaga pre X
Versions of package xgalaga |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package xgalaga: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Klon klasickej hry Galaga pre X Window System. Xgalaga je hra podobná
Space invaders s ďalšími vlastnosťami, ktoré z nej robia zaujímavejšiu hru.
classic single screen vertical shooter, inspired by xgalaga
Versions of package xgalaga++ |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.9-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.9-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 0.8.4-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 0.9-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.9-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.9-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 0.8.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package xgalaga++: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
XGalaga++ is a classic vertical scrolling shoot'em up. It requires no X
Window extension and its window is freely resizable. It is inspired by
XGalaga, but rewritten from scratch, except for the graphics.
Versions of package xinv3d |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.3.6-6 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 1.3.6-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.31-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.31-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 1.3.6-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.3.6-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.3.6-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package xinv3d: |
game | arcade |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
XInvaders 3D is a 3D vector-based space-invaders clone for
the X Window System.
game to carve up the screen whilst dodging monsters
Versions of package xonix |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.4-32 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.4-31 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.4-31 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.4-36 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.4-35 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.4-34 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.4-36 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package xonix: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | athena |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
A clone of the Xonix game for DOS. Start with a rectangle, and munch
corners off until you get below the winning area: then proceed to the
next level. But beware of the roaming aliens!
Versions of package xracer |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package xracer: |
game | arcade |
hardware | opengl |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
scope | application |
uitoolkit | glut |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Xracer is a Wipeout clone, distributed under the GPL. It should be able to use
any OpenGL 1.1 compliant library. A 3D accelerator card is required.
This is the game data and binary.
If you want to build new tracks or other game data, you may also want to
install the xracer-tools package.
shoot 'em up game with the "not shooting" bonus
Versions of package xsoldier |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.8-6 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.8-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.8-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.8-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.8-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.8-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.8-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package xsoldier: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
You control a space ship in a vertically scrolling window and shoot
enemies. If you kill the boss enemy which appears at the end of each stage,
or if you can survive till the boss enemy gets bored with you and escapes,
you can go to the next stage.
xsoldier has a unique feature --- the "not shooting" bonus. You can get
a pretty good score by not pressing the shoot button. After all, if the
game is a simple kill-everything and shooting is always a good thing, why
do you have to press a shoot button? You can play xsoldier as a simple
kill-everything (and it is the best way to survive), but if you care your
score, you need to kill all enemies with a minimum number of bullets.
Versions of package xtron |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.1a-14.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.1a-14 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.1a-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.1a-14 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.1a-16 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.1a-16 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1a-14.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package xtron: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Xtron je jednoduchá verzia starej klasickej hry Tron pre jedného alebo
dvoch hráčov. Hra je jednoduchá: vyhýbajte sa narazeniu do stien,
vlastného chvosta a do protihráča.
arcade multiplayer game like nibbles
Versions of package zatacka |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.1.8-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.1.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 0.1.8-5.2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.1.8-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.1.8-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 0.1.8-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.1.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package zatacka: |
game | arcade |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
This is an arcade multiplayer game for 2 - 6 players on one keyboard, clone
of Achtung die Kurve classical dos game. You handle your line and you must
sidetrack lines of other players and of course walls. When some player dies,
survival gets one point. When only one player is left alive, the round is
finished. Each game has eleven rounds.
Official Debian packages with lower relevance
Escape from Pong NES game
Versions of package efp |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.4-2 | all |
buster | 1.6-1 | all |
bullseye | 1.6-2 | all |
bookworm | 1.6-3 | all |
trixie | 1.6-3 | all |
sid | 1.6-3 | all |
stretch | 1.4-2 | all |
Debtags of package efp: |
game | arcade |
hardware | emulation |
role | app-data |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Escape from Pong is a very small NES game which introduces the concept
of playing Pong from the ball's point of view. Your mission is to escape
from 13 difficult levels, despite the paddle trying to beat you at
every turn.
This game is distributed as an NES ROM. You will need an NES emulator
in order to play it. A list of tested emulators is in README.Debian.
The provided desktop launcher requires the fceux emulator.
hry pre pracovné prostredie GNOME
Versions of package gnome-games |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 43+1 | all |
jessie | 3.14+3 | all |
sid | 47+6 | all |
trixie | 47+6 | all |
stretch | 3.22+3 | all |
buster | 3.30+1 | all |
bullseye | 3.38+3 | all |
Debtags of package gnome-games: |
game | board, card, puzzle, tetris |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
suite | gnome |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Obsahuje hry z oficiálneho vydania GNOME. Majú vzhľad a správanie
pracovného prostredia GNOME, ale možno ich používať bez neho.
Hry sú teraz rozdelené do samostatných balíkov. Tento metabalík ich
nainštaluje všetky, ale je možné ich nainštalovať jednotlivo.
hry z oficiálneho vydania KDE
Versions of package kdegames |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 16.04.0+5.92 | all |
buster | 17.08.3+5.102 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 20.12.0+5.111 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 22.12.3+5.155 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 22.12.3+5.155 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 22.12.3+5.142 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 4.12+5.84 | all |
Debtags of package kdegames: |
role | metapackage |
suite | kde |
uitoolkit | qt |
License: DFSG free
KDE tvorí medzinárodný technologický tím, ktorý vytvára slobodný a open
source softvér pracovného prostredia a prenosných zariadení. Medzi
produkty KDE patrí moderné pracovné prostredie pre Linux a unixové
platformy, kancelársky a groupware balík a stovky programov v mnohých
kategóriách vrátane internetových, webových, multimediálnych, zábavných,
vzdelávacích, grafických aplikácií a programov na vývoj softvéru.
Tento metabalík obsahuje kolekciu hier, ktoré sú poskytované s oficiálnym
vydaním KDE.
client for netrek online game
Versions of package netrek-client-cow |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 3.3.0-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 3.3.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 3.3.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 3.3.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 3.3.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 3.3.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 3.3.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package netrek-client-cow: |
uitoolkit | sdl |
License: DFSG free
This is a client for the multi-player game of Netrek.
Netrek is probably the first video game which can accurately be
described as a "sport". It has more in common with basketball than
with arcade games or Quake. Its vast and expanding array of tactics
and strategies allows for many different play styles; the best
players are the ones who think fastest, not necessarily the ones who
twitch most effectively. It can be enjoyed as a twitch game, since
the dogfighting system is extremely robust, but the things that
really set Netrek apart from other video games are the team and
strategic aspects. Team play is dynamic and varied, with roles
constantly changing as the game state changes. Strategic play is
explored in organized league games; after 6+ years of league play,
strategies are still being invented and refined.
The game was created in 1988, and still has players, including some
people who have been playing for nearly as long as the game has