Debian Junior Project
Bugs of task games-text
Total bugs: 45
Open bugs: 42
Fixed bugs: 3
Links to other tasks
Art 330 (2712)
Desktop 2544 (21141)
Doudou-base 1838 (14589)
Doudou-dev-artists 253 (1986)
Doudou-games 108 (819)
Education 36 (231)
Games-adventure 21 (96)
Games-arcade 81 (561)
Games-card 23 (120)
Games-gl 40 (264)
Games-net 33 (165)
Games-puzzle 64 (387)
Games-sim 52 (339)
Games-text 42 (237)
Internet 370 (2781)
Math 139 (846)
Programming 31 (318)
Sound 125 (894)
System 68 (405)
Toys 67 (612)
Typing 39 (282)
Video 117 (1059)
Writing 132 (768)
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 0 0
important 2 0
normal 21 0
minor 6 0
wishlist 13 0

Summary bugs page of task Games-text

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (237)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

2 important, 21 normal, 6 minor, 13 wishlist
74947 bsdgames, wump: cave has incorrect geometry
95217 trek: misuse of "quadrant"
123815 bsdgames: uses obsolete, superseded version of BSD license upstream
129996 bsdgames: hangman enters infinite loop if words in wordfile are too short
129997 bsdgames: hangman ignores first word in wordlist
192737 bsdgames: sure takes a lot to get raw morse code upstream
219666 bsdgames: number claims English output, but outputs in American patch, upstream
234107 bsdgames: morse needs updating for new '@' patch
234964 /usr/games/morse: add @ patch
237839 bsdgames: arithmetic should not be interuptable by ctrl-c patch
272232 teachgammon: screen update leaves droppings in text messages
296065 bsdgames: quiz gives out full solution after correct answer
310657 bsdgames: atc direction keys don't make sense with dvorak layout patch
313623 atc: Cannot specify direction of circling as per atc(6)
318797 monop: get to roll again if you get doubles before going to jail
404465 /usr/games/dab: fails to reset terminal on exit
444962 monop: program name collides with /usr/bin/monop
467455 hardcoded pathname in bsdgames hack/config.h
502319 mille: ordering doesn't happen immediately
502987 worm: use better boundary characters than asterisks patch
502989 worm: resizing the terminal causes game to end
502990 atc: resizing terminal breaks output
576156 bsdgames: please move rot13 to /usr/bin
615041 dab: quitting leaves the terminal in an ugly state
651132 mille: option for bilingual or French card names.
700323 bsdgames: unable to load saved monop game
700328 bsdgames: unable to load saved monop game
715669 [Mayhem] Bug report on bsdgames: backgammon crashes with exit status 139
716291 [Mayhem] Bug report on bsdgames: monop crashes with exit status 139
716381 [Mayhem] Bug report on bsdgames: teachgammon crashes with exit status 139
747966 Conflicting parameter declarations of function decr
789523 bsdgames: adequate says morse: program-name-collision /usr/bin/morse /usr/games/morse
850101 boggle: Should stop when all words found
911128 Infinite Loop in Hangman
955546 morse --no-message-ending-junk
1051717 split wtf(6) in a separate package?
1078938 bsdgames: Cannot Launch from GNOME menu (various issues with desktop files including Terminal= should be true)
988667 cowsay: New possible project upstream upstream
1097410 moon-buggy: ftbfs with GCC-15 forky, sid
778315 convert: unrecognized color `darkred' @ warning/color.c/GetColorCompliance/1046.
576746 sl: Please collect usage data
921239 sl: please use the upstream manpage

Open bugs in suggested packages

Done bugs

214626 atc: Won't allocate 26th plane if it was the most recently allocated plane patch
1069795 Please keep random
1069807 bsdgames: please keep bcd/ppt/morse
*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 18:19:00 -0000