Debian Junior Packages

The Debian Junior Pure Blend contains 256 packages which are grouped by metapackages. Each metapackage will cause the installation of packages for a specific topic. The following table lists the metapackages of Debian Junior:

art Debian Jr. - maľovanie na kreslenie
desktop Debian Jr. Desktop Environment
doudou-base DoudouLinux base
doudou-dev-artists DoudouLinux Art development
doudou-games DoudouLinux Games
education vzdelávacie aplikácie Debian Jr.
games-adventure Debian Jr. Adventure Games
games-arcade Debian Jr. arcade games
games-card Debian Jr. Card Games
games-gl Debian Jr. 3D Games (hardware acceleration required)
games-net Debian Jr. - hry po sieti
games-puzzle Debian Jr. Puzzle games
games-sim Debian Jr. Simulation Games
games-text Debian Jr. Text Games
internet Debian Jr. Internet tools
math Debian Jr. - výuka matematiky
programming Debian Jr. - programovanie
sound Debian Jr. - zvuk
system nástroje systému Debian Jr.
toys Debian Jr. desktop toys
typing Debian Jr. typing
video Debian Jr. Video
writing Debian Jr. - písanie