DebiChem Packages

The DebiChem Pure Blend contains 127 packages which are grouped by metapackages. Each metapackage will cause the installation of packages for a specific topic. The following table lists the metapackages of DebiChem:

Analytical Biochemistry DebiChem Analytical BioChemistry
Cheminformatics DebiChem - Chemoinformatik
Crystallography DebiChem - Kristallografie
C/C++/Fortran Development DebiChem C/C++/Fortran Development
Input Preparation and Output Processing DebiChem input preparation and output processing
Molecular Ab Initio Calculations DebiChem - molekulare Ab-initio-Berechnungen
Molecular Dynamics DebiChem Molecular Dynamics
Molecular Modelling DebiChem - Dreidimensionale molekulare Modellierung und Visualisierung
Periodic Ab Initio Calculations DebiChem - periodische Ab-initio-Berechnungen
Semi Empirical Calculations DebiChem - semiempirische Pakete
Chemical Formula/Structure Editors DebiChem chemical formular/structure editors
3D Visualization DebiChem 3D Viewers